I read some, while researching that,(shudder) Basically, it's "I Hate Them, They Must Be Up To Something." And "I Think So...It Must Be True."(I do that, too, but that's why I don't even try to argue politics at the table...I lead with my gut, and don't have the patience to pick through looking for fallacies, and stuff that you're supposed to do in a well-reasoned argument.) Where's my best-seller? And my rack's nicer, too. And I don't dress like Princess Leia.
We're Literary 2: To Read Makes Our Speaking English Good
There's more to life than watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No. Really, there is! Honestly! Here's a place for Buffistas to come and discuss what it is they're reading, their favorite authors and poets. "Geez. Crack a book sometime."
Thing is, erika, you aren't making up facts and inventing false attributions because of all those annoying people who actually want some proof of your assertions.
Coulter, on the other hand, welllll....
I forget how many of the cites in her first screed turned out to be pure fabrication, but it was some unholy number. And she went off and praised her own work for its power, and courage, and accuracy, under a pseud.
Cow. And a mad cow, to boot.
You're not that kind of cow, surely?
She's an evil cow, and I do not, repeat not, mean porn. Because if there's anything less porny than Anne Coulter, I don't want to meet it, ever.
I know...patently unappealing. I thought I exaggerated that, too, till I saw her in allegedly living color, not long after my story was finished. And, with mute on, anyway, it's nothing you could point to. Physically she's sort of SMG-ish, which should at least be vaguely attractive. And no, when I Make Up Shit, I confine it to the fictional realm...and I still want to push it to be the realest fake shit I can generate.
You're not that kind of cow, surely?
Oh, no, not really. But I couldn't resist the Oz reference.
But I couldn't resist the Oz reference.
Heh. Good. That's what I hoped.
I have nothing to say really, but the 2222 lured me in and I couldn't stop myself.
I like books. Books are good.
Hello, y'all, I need to pick your lovely booky brains. One of my assignments this semester is to come up with a unit plan (for a high school English class) and I have decided to do "The Supernatural in Literature." I have several possibles as far as short stories and poems, but I was hoping you all could bring up some brilliant ones I have not read, or that slipped through the skeins in the tiny seine net that is my brain.
What I have so far:
"The Turn of the Screw" by Henry James
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson (it's short enough, even though it's a novel)
"The Eve of St. Agnes" by Keats
"Christabel" by Coleridge
A short story by Stephen King -- probably an early on, from Night Shift
"Goblin Market" by Christina Rossetti
selections from Shakespeare, for illustration, i.e. Hamlet's father's ghost, and the witches from Macbeth
I'm working from memory, so I think there's one or two other's I've forgotten.
I'm also thinking I need a YA novel or short story in there, because I want to encourage my kids to read, and sometimes reading a YA novel is less intimidating than "lit'ra'tooor" . Any suggestions here would be great.
I'm also thinking about a movie tie-in: I've thought of "The Others" since it's such a classic ghost story, but I'm drawing a blank otherwise.
Also, what other TV shows have supernatural tie-ins (show that teens are familiar with) -- Buffy, Angel, Charmed, Sabrina I got -- anything else?
Thanks so much for anything you can toss me. This is for an assignment, but I know I'll end up teaching this unit one day.
Erin, you missed a perfect Jackson for students: "We Have Always Lived in the Castle." Merricat is a teenager, and a damned twisted one at that. Although, thinking about it, not superntural; just scary as all fuck.
Also? Don't forget Sheridan le Fanu. Can you get away with something as lesbian-lovely as "Carmilla"?
edit also, does the TV have to be current? because, well, Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, The Night Stalker, Dark Shadows...