Damn, I loved Trixie Belden. I wonder whatever happened to all the ones I had. I know I'll have to pick up the reissues, at least at the library, for nostalgia's sake.
I learned what a "chaffeuer" was from TB. Also hollyhocks and that "chic" is pronounced kinda like "shieik."
Oh, and how to suck the poison out of a snake bite, and how to get blueberry pie stains out of Mart's white shirt.
Thank, Trixie!
I learned what "ennui" meant. And spent a few months trying to remember to say "Rabbit, rabbit" before I went to bed and when I woke up on the last day of each month.
And spent a few months trying to remember to say "Rabbit, rabbit" before I went to bed and when I woke up on the last day of each month.
Me too! Although I never remembered, just like Trixie.
And that Scottish accents are sexy.
And that ID bracelets with a guys name on them were romantic.
And that Scottish accents are sexy.
You couldn't figure that out on your own, you had to learn it from a book?
You couldn't figure that out on your own, you had to learn it from a book?
I was nine, not hopscotching around the world meeting fake Scottish con men, missy.
And the lady lawyer put the Scottish smackdown on JZ!
(I just wanted to say "Scottish smackdown." Hee.)
I was nine, not hopscotching around the world meeting fake Scottish con men, missy.
Hey, there, little miss sassymouth, I was nine too! I was just nine and sick a lot and spending my sick days curled up in front of the TV listening to the dreamy fake Scottish guy on my mom's favorite soap.
Then I turned ten and threw over the TV Scot for Mr Rochester in this edition of Jane Eyre.