I spent the majority of the weekend reading
Good In Bed
by Jennifer Weiner, loaned to me by a co-worker. Totally not what I was expecting and although I wasn't
until well into the middle of the book, I am pleased that I stuck it out through the end.
Has anyone read her second novel,
In Her Shoes
I did Nicole. I didn't like it as much as the first one but it was still a worth while read. From what I remember it's a bit more superficial and the moral hits you over the head.
Thanks Megan! That's about the gist of what co-worker said too.
Dani, I got four - count 'em, four - emails with the news about Lynne Cheney's bod-rip this morning. I've been giggling like a drunken loon since I woke up.
Maybe she can go do lunch with whatsisface, Bill O'Reilly, who wrote one of the single unsexiest descriptions of going-down, ever?
"Many people have asked me, Do you think they will finish the series before Christ comes?"
Coffe on two cats, a keyboard, and a spare pair of reading glasses.
dani -- but the book is set nowish -- you know? (Makes me wonder if Donna Andrews wasn't involved in fandom - - in her past.)
You know, reading that article, I am inexplicably tickled by the fact that the authors are planning a prequel.
I was more taken by the plans for a sequel, to contain the one last battle between God and Satan after the thousand-year reign of Christ.
Ah, I'd missed that, sumi. You're right, it is a little strange in that case. I do know of a few
people who are producing LOTR fanfiction zines right now, but they're selling them online and not at cons.
Bill O'Reilly, who wrote one of the single unsexiest descriptions of going-down, ever
Must. Read. What book?
Dani, I think it was Betsy who linked it, ages back - the "seduction" scene.
Merciful heavens, it was bad. There was a line about "moments later, his tongue was flicking back and forth inside her".
Truly. Really really bad.
Yikes. Feel like I need a shower now (and not in a good way).
Anyone else picturing Christ in a rather...vulnerable state? I really need to stop writing such dirty-minded people. Special Hell for this blasphemer...