What's your role?
Suzanne/The Countess/Female Admirer. I'm getting a corset built for me! It will be black and red!! (I'm way too excited about that fact.)
I adore the show. I was disappointed when I didn't get to direct it, but this is pretty darn good, too. Also, getting to kiss the man playing Picasso? Yummy.
In a bizarre megan connection, I too just finished
Angels and Demons
. I thought I wouldn't like it as much as
The Da Vinci Code
, but I agree that it was an interesting page-turner. It cracks me up to think that people use it as a guide to Rome though.
ETA: How do I get rid of that space after the italics?
That's really weird megan. Glad you liked it too! Elena's DH read it last week and liked it a lot better than
The Da Vinci code.
It cracks me up to think that people use it as a guide to Rome though.
Hopefully they aren't using it to find the lost Illuminati hideout.
Hopefully they aren't using it to find the lost Illuminati hideout.
Sadly, that wouldn't surprise me at all.
mmmmm.....you said "Illuminati".....
(signed, complete and total "Illuminatus Trilogy" freak over her)
mmmmm.....you said "Illuminati".....
(signed, complete and total "Illuminatus Trilogy" freak over her)
Sadly, an acquaintenance of mine was raised on the belief that the Illuninati were a real existing organization running the world, and only recently figured out that this is not the case. She is 48...
Well...they might be connected to the Masons. Shhhhh.... ;)
Sadly, an acquaintenance of mine was raised on the belief that the Illuninati were a real existing organization running the world, and only recently figured out that this is not the case.
That's just what they want you to believe....
Mmmmmmm.....tinfoil hats.....mmmmmm....
Well...they might be connected to the Masons.
Nuh-uh. Aren't the Illuminati Catholic? They'd be like the anti-Masons.