We're Literary 2: To Read Makes Our Speaking English Good
There's more to life than watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No. Really, there is! Honestly! Here's a place for Buffistas to come and discuss what it is they're reading, their favorite authors and poets. "Geez. Crack a book sometime."
I am in NYC. If anyone wants to volunteer, profile addy is good; but I'm fine with building up a history. They seem to have transferred over half.com feedback, which is good, except that the last time I was selling I was severely flaky about sending stuff out on time. So I need to build up whuffie again.
fifth time's the charm?
Really sorry about that, guys.
You got the hiccups, Micole?
I avoid libraries like the plague for anything except reference. I love my books. My books. My toys! MINE!
I don't want to borrow anything from anybody; I have a hyper sense of terror and rseponsibility about not egtting it back to them in a timely fashion, or mucking it up somehow.
I buy my books used. Although, to be honest? I probably shouldn't even be in this thread, because I read very little these days. Can't, when I'm writing, and I'm writing fulltime right now.
Libraries are excellent for computer books, which I guess counts as reference. I'm not going to drop $70.00 on a book which has maybe 4 or 5 sentences I will find useful, and which will be obsolete in 6 months anyway.
Otherwise, the combination of a regular salary and amazon.com has caused the book population around my house to burgeon.
Raquel, could you maybe talk Nic into doing that? We're hipdeep in guides for various bits of software and programming that have been outdated since three weeks after they hit the selves, each of which we paid about thirty bucks and upward for.