Southerners don't distinguish pen/pin or Mary/merry/marry either. Took me years to hear the difference, and my pronunciation slides back and forth between Southern and East Coast still.
Of course, I don't even know what kind of accent I have anymore. I certainly don't sound like a local native, but I don't think I sound Bama or Philly either.
lived in St. Joe in the fifth grade, and I assume that's where I picked it up.
Ginger, that's my hometown! What school, what year? (Uh, if you don't mind.)
There's a difference between these? Seriously?
I *do* hear pen/pin.
With a Philly accent (and many other East Coast ones), Mary sounds like how the rest of the country pronounces all three. Merry has a distinctive short "e" sound with no trace of an "a", while marry has a short "a".
Is it supposed to be pronounced "-shr
Yup. I hear "shy-er" and even "sheer".
Edinburgh, Deb. I'm weeping at a true believer "borough"-ing us.
You'd better be winking, bro. That was deliberate, and I can't believe you're the only one to catch it. (I loves me some Edinburgh, Eddinburra, Edinborough.....)
Erin, it was Eugene Field Elementary, and it would have been around 1964. Long before you were born, I suspect. My dad was working at the Swift plant. My mother still keeps up with some people we knew there.
Marry is like arrow, merry and Mary sound almost identical, like error.
I'm now seeing (hearing) poor Meriadoc being called Mary.
Before we get off this topic, can someone clear up if it's pronounced Buff-is-ta or Buff-ees-ta?
Before we get off this topic, can someone clear up if it's pronounced Buff-is-ta or Buff-ees-ta?
The latter. Like Sandanista.