I screw up pronounciation on words all the time. It comes from reading a lot in my youth. I probably should have spent more time watching tv.
My most recent gaffe was innocuous which I pronounced innoc-chew-us. And I'm not sure how to pronounce gaffe.
And I'm not sure how to pronounce gaffe.
Those letters in order, but one syllable. Silent e.
technically the definition of an acronym is when the initials form a word in common usage
Is there a word for that thing the military and related government agencies do where they take the first syllables of words and cram them together into a new word? Like "retcon" or "humint."
I used to think "draught" was a totally different word than "draft."
If it is any consolation, I read this and went "huh." Now, I've never been in a situation where I was called on to say 'draught,' so never had a chance to be corrected.
There are a LOT of words out there I'm sure I mispronounce still. All that reading, little talking.
I'm still not sure how "slough" is pronounced (from Little House books.) I'm leaning towards "slew"/"slow" maybe because that was what my mom called it. But in my head, it is "sluff."
I'm still not sure how "slough" is pronounced (from Little House books.) I'm leaning towards "slew"/"slow" maybe because that was what my mom called it. But in my head, it is "sluff."
Just checked on Merriam Webster (with pronounciations sounds): It rhymes with "ow!" as you might say after you have stubbed your toe, but before the profanity.
The shedding meaning of it is sluff though (I don't know which sense LHotP was using).
Just checked on Merriam Webster (with pronounciations sounds): It rhymes with "ow!" as you might say after you have stubbed your toe, but before the profanity.
I think MW is on crack.
The water version is "Slew" most certainly. Slew, in fact, is an alternate spelling, and is the "Slew" in question in the name "Seattle Slew".
The shedding meaning of it is sluff though (I don't know which sense LHotP was using).
Right, as in "the snake sloughed off its skin."
Slew, in fact, is an alternate spelling, and is the "Slew" in question in the name "Seattle Slew".
Really? Huh. Learn something new every day. (I always wondered about that...)