Romance novels, whatever their quality, are read by unthreatening middle-aged women who wear pastels.
You misspelled "written". Signed, woman who has been to an RWA convention
There's more to life than watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No. Really, there is! Honestly! Here's a place for Buffistas to come and discuss what it is they're reading, their favorite authors and poets. "Geez. Crack a book sometime."
Romance novels, whatever their quality, are read by unthreatening middle-aged women who wear pastels.
You misspelled "written". Signed, woman who has been to an RWA convention
I believe you, Betsy. Which makes them even more unthreatening.
I was surprised, when I went to the library here, that the librarians asked me what I was interested in, and then showed it to me, with no quirked eyebrows or oddities, and that they still let Greg know that they ran across something they think I'll like, and often send things home with him for me. (FTR, in order, fantasy, sci-fi, romance, mytery, graphic novel, rarely lit fic. no non-fiction unless it's about building, making, writing or decorating something.)
I remember, as I was growing up, that I'd get funny looks from many of the librarians, or they'd try to steer me toward "good" books, even the occasional look of severe disapproval or muttered comment, whenever I checked out another book of fairytales or an Andre Norton.
the occasional look of severe disapproval or muttered comment
A student I TAed once was shocked one day to discover the book I was carrying in my backpack for a bus ride was "Anna Karenina" - because, you know, a girl who studies physics can't possibly read anything other than SF.
A good librarian does not judge the reader's taste, whether it be LoTR or (shudder) Left Behind. There may be private shuddering, but public shuddering is Right Out.
Kenny's reading Ender's Game. This should be interesting.
Hi, my name's amyparker (and welcome to AmyLiz; let's see you weirdos mess around with pronouncing that!) and I had never read a romance novel before I fell in with you lot.
flea, yeah, of course, that was (way too many) years ago. I've even read one of the Left Behind books. Pertty much disliked it, but I read it.
dude, I can top that...I read "The Rules". I'm so ashamed. I'm Erika, and I'm a textoholic.But when the urge for the printed word hits, I might read anything.
Erika, it's when the mystery element kicked in that I finally found Atonement bearable.
The start of the book was compelling character free. Since I live, eat, and breathe character it made for a very hard slog.
I'm Dialogue's Bitch.