makes me question the verisimilitude of all csi depictions of subcultures EVER
I think furries and plushies at the very least will join you on this ... in fact, they seem to raise two questions, mock, and arrest. Except for the exalting of S&M clubs.
I think furries and plushies at the very least will join you on this
With the dissections of the CSI ep involving the "furry" (read mascot suit fetishist) convention that I saw in my barely-connected-to-furry fandom (read likes funny animal stuff and prefers sex with naked human adults) slice of the world, yes, we/they would. And you wanna know what's worse? The original script for that ep was run past two people in furry fandom for fact-checking purposes, and they still kept some real boners in there. I mean, really. A puppypile of 20 people in mascot suits? How dead would the bottom 10 people be?
I taped BG when it was on at 4, something went horribly wrong and it's all staticy and horrid looking, so now I'm going to try downloading it.
I could barely see anything but there was some ad with Sean Bean on right before it started -- please tell me he's not going to be hosting a show like that Fact or Fiction thing Jonathan Frakes did.
Sean Bean has a Sci Fi in general ad -- that might have been it. He's the sex.
As long as he in a sci fi in general ad, I'm fine. Even though I couldn't see much on the tape I left it on to listen to his voice.
You have an SG/FS thing? Or are planning one?
Err, I have something tentatively plotted, and two sections posted. Set during FS S4, Terra Firma to be precise. And handwave the SG timing -- apparently that was season 6, but I wanted Daniel, so it's season 7.
I haven't watched the second of the two new BSG episodes yet, but I thought "33" was pretty good. I'm interested to see where they go with it. At least nobody can claim it's campy.
And yes, Jack could take Adama; but I think Adama might crack first. I'm really not sure that he'd think Jack was entertaining.
Hell, no. Adama would hate Jack's attitude. But Jack's a very tough guy, and Adama hasn't been at war for 40 years.
I forgot to order my PKW dvds. Heh.
but you'll abet my SG/FS thing, won't you? Won't you?
Oh wait! I think... does this one start with Crichton and Jack (or maybe Sam?) meeting on a bridge? I have such crap memory.
(Pardon me while I work this all out on the board instead of my head, where it belongs)
ETA: OK, I was searching around to see if I could find what I was talking about while you were posting that. I swear. I didn't comment? I'm so lame. Nevermind!
There's a Stargate SG-1/Atlantis "Behind the Gate" special on right now (ET/CT)
I'm watching it. It's cute.
Was it promoted at all? "cause I don't recall seing a promo.