about the spoiler, are people surprised over the actor or the character who the actor will play? And why?
Did I miss details about the character?
would it be impossible for me to jump in and start watching it in S9
Not even slightly. It's not tightly arced (although replete with callbacks to previous plot points, they rarely make or break your understanding, just enhance it), and in constant reruns.
are people surprised over the actor or the character who the actor will play?
Steph, there's no word about the character, just that the actor has been cast. I bet the writers aren't entirely sure what the character will be like. With luck, they'll talk to the actor.
As for jumping in, Stargate is not like, well, Farscape, for instance. Once you have the basic premise down, you can generally pick it up and watch most episodes without needing more than that. There is a fairly complicated premise, but the backstory isn't as complex as on Farscape or Angel. I watched the entire run of the show completely out of order, and that caused no real damage other than not being able to remember what episode happened in what season. Most of the time it doesn't really matter, except for the few big changes (Daniel's death, etc).
Steph, there's no word about the character, just that the actor has been cast. I bet the writers aren't entirely sure what the character will be like.
As long as he doesn't have an apostrophe in his name.
Hmmm. I wonder whether this would inspire
Maayan to take up World Without Milk
again. Probably not, but a girl can hope.
As long as he doesn't have an apostrophe in his name.
Oh. I hadn't thought of him as Jaffa.
Excuse me. My mind is going to go places. There's no reason he has to be human and air force, is there? Sure, he probably will, but still.
Hmm, Scifi Wire confirms the rumor and also says that they are still
negotiating to bring RDA
There's no reason he has to be human and air force, is there?
I know. I just thought of the possibility he could be Tok'ra. But oh, the costumes! Ewwww!
Black t-shirts. P90s. Snark. *happy sigh*
Black t-shirts. P90s.
Yeah. You make a very important point. But if he's Jaffa, he can wear them too. I think I just have an unholy lust to see him with the gold insignia.
Some new System Lord's First Prime? Huh.
But you know, he wouldn't be a regular, then. And they wouldn't bring another Jaffa onto the main cast. I'm quite sure he'll be USAF.
Gosh, spoiler fabulousness.
Is that the sound of a thousand slash writer plot bunnies springing into action I hear?