I just saw Atlantis 1.13, "Hot Zone".
Wow, Mckay's getting almost
Wesley-like character development.
And since no one here has claimed him, he's mine! ALL MINE! MWHAHAHA!!!
Dude. That was a good episode, reminiscent of some fine early standalone episodes of SG-1. I liked it better than "The Eye", the
badass Shep
Umm, are you sure that nobody's claimed McKay?
Because he is one of the favorite characters on that show.
And curse all of you, torrenting Aquarium/Spooks watching peeps!
I just watched Atlantis 1.14, and you'll get Sheppard only if you pry him out of my cold, dead fingers. Such a cutie. Pulled off something they've been trying to sell since 1967, and I rarely buy.
No, that I'd totally buy, and it should be used more often.
Now you have me dying of curiosity. What happened in '67?
They did a Star Trek thing. And that's all I'm going to say out of white font.
Sheppard hooks up with an alien princess, and McKay even calls him Kirk.
He has sex with an alien female who dies by the end of the episode?
They go back in time or find a world that is like 1950s Earth?
Weir: Major, we need to talk about your, er, focus. When you're on a mission, it is not your job to have sexual relations with every alien woman you meet.
Shepard: I know it's not my job. It's my hobby.
Someone on the SGA writing staff has been watching Buffy. In one of the eps I watched last night, Sheppard said, "Not so much," and at the end of 114, he says, "Well, this is cool," and it just sounds an awful lot like Spike in "School Hard". To me, anyway.