Have shamelessly abused the T1 line at work to download the first unaired SG:Atlantis episode (uhhh, the IT guys could probably trace that I'm doing that, right? :nervous:) and just finished watching it. The
badass Shep
is of the HOTT.
t smokes a cigarette
Also, wow, lots of nibbles for potential
Sheppard/Weir shippers. Too bad the actors don't have much in the way of chemistry together. Also, LOVE McKay.
Writing for Teyla is still problematic but she could have been made into a palatable character if she were played an actress who possessed even an iota of gravitas. Sigh.
I am slow, so I only came across this Joe Flanigan interview just now. Aw! He's kind of adorable, damn him.
Yeah, the Teyla actress is hopelessly flutey and unimposing.
See, The Eye just makes me think even more wistfully about McKay and Weir. They have such a great vibe.
...if I ever get into the Atlantis fandom, I ain't gonna be in one of the big shipper factions, am I? Oh well.
Damn you all. Guess I'll be hitting the torrents tonight, then.
McKay didn't
make me want to kill him!
Major victory. Honestly, I like everything but what Teyla was involved with. I had a lot of fun (and tension) watching it. Instead of thinking they're all morons who won't live out the hour.
Now I have to consider
::steeples fingers::
So. I'm way far behind. Which sucks. I haven't even seen S2 of MI-5 yet. And I'm hesitant to uncover all the new white font about SG-1, mostly because it seems not pleasing. OK, maybe I'll go download the new Atlantis. I feel so out of the loop. Poor me.
See, it is. It really is. They've got a real, if odd, respect going for each other, and there aren't the "she's supposed to be in charge but he doesn't listen to her" issues that Weir/Sheppard has for me. Also I don't find McKay--or any of the men on Atlantis, really--all that slashable.
Plus, "Rodney" and "Elizabeth." It's adorable.
Weir and Sheppard have a real
antagonistic, yet both still good guys on the same side (and there's more to come from what I've seen further on in the series)
relationship that seems to me devoid of any sparkage. Which is interesting in and of itself. I'm warming to
Weir/McKay, though.
The one who annoyed me most in the ep (beside Teyla, which is such a given that it's not even worth white-fonting) was
Beckett. And I'm talking as someone who liked him a lot in the pilot. Now, I want to see more of the Chech doctor. He was so adorably rumbled.
Also, I kind of cracked up at
Ford trying to exert any kind of authority. It just made me want to pat him on his pretty head.
I'd let Ford
have his way because he's all wee and pretty and stuff.
It's so cute.
Damn, I feel a rewatch coming on. Of ATLANTIS!!! This is weird.