I have a feeling that McKay is "allergic" to citrus in much the same way I was "allergic" to Brussels Sprouts as a child.
I'm even more convinced he has Type II diabetes, and it's early in the onset. He's probably one of those lucky bastards that can control it with just diet and exercise.
It would be interesting if they actually did something with this in the series.
Stargate SG-1 Season 8 Help Needed! I thought I had taped both the premieres (SG-1 & Atlantis), but upon viewing the tape- not so much. Only got Atlantis & the last 2 minutes of SG-1 (grrr!). Any help with the SG-1 premiere would be greatly appreciated. I'd love to borrow a tape, trade for ?, pay postage, whatever. I don't have cable & only just watched Season 7 on DVD, now I'm eager to try to get caught up on Season 8 (which I have on tape- I hope). Profile addy good. Crossposting in When Come Bring Tape because I'm desperate.
This may affect SG-1.
Spoiler here:
Amanda Tapping is expecting.
Amanda Tapping is playing Lady Elfarren in The Wizard of Earthsea.
And yeah (about my post before that)-- don't know how they'll
work around it
effectively, you know?
Well, it doesn't look like they'll have to. Even if they do do an S9, she'll have had the baby by the time they start filming.
Don't talk about the possibility of there not being a S9. It makes the (in denial) baby ita cry.
As for
Amanda -- well, her explanation of why it won't be a big deal are very intriguing.
Oh, the filming stuff? Yeah. I think the season finale's shaping up to be an interesting one.
Well, we do have an
extra Carter (replicant replicated) running around -- I'm guessing that's her.