Actually, all of the makeup effects and puppets look brand spanking new. They clearly took the opportunity to rebuild and redesign everything, along with having to rebuild and redesign all the sets, props and costumes. It's all very shiny.
Rygel looks like a whole new model. More articulate, more expressive....
I really liked the swimming effect.
Everybody's all decked out in their finest leathers
for the wedding
"Convince them it's not our fault."
"It's not our fault! It's not our fault! It's not our fault!
I know, Daniel. I'm enjoying the hell out of it, but nobody else seems to be watch and posting from this coast.
"How best can you help?"
t pause
"I can stay out of your way."
Okay, pretty sure I'm going to have to rewind and rewatch immediately.
HA! I had no idea Jool was that hot for Crichton.
"The Tin Man here just needs a heart." ::tap::tap::
Oz never did give nothing to the tin man, that he didn't already have.
"I can stay out of your way."
And there you have the most wisdom Stark has ever shown on that series.
Spoilery question for PKW *Does it appear that John is lying, alone, banged up, in a bed on a decrepit Moya remembering these events? I also missed the first five minutes so I'm not sure if this is the way it started. The sounds of John & Aeryn arguing coupled with the crying baby give me chills for tonight's episode. I must rewatch and hopefully calm my fears.