Farscape could always bring Minear-level pain.Farscape could always bring Minear-level pain.
Oh yeah, including bringing characters back from the dead just to kill them again (referring to the series, not the mini). It wouldn't surprise me if Zhaan turned up just so somebody could skin her alive or something.
Well, I kind of figured where this was going when we saw
Rygel : "
But, I'm pregnant!
" Hee!
BWAH! In-joke for Mrs. Browder!
Ah, it always comes back to Earth, doesn't it?
I'm guessing that
the Peacekeepers were the people spirited from the planet he spoke of, and that planet was Earth.
I love it how there's all this implied history of the Peacekeepers, that they don't even bother to exposit.
The exposition's a comin'. Oh, yeah!
HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Huh. The Scarran heat-ray thingamabob is very reminiscent of Goa'uld hand-device.
A-ha! An explanation for
human/Sebacean connection.
OK hands up - anybody think
Chiana and D'Argo are really dead?
I didn't think so.
I'm pretty sure Jool really is a scorch mark.
Man, I wish they were showing this commercial free!