So, I assume it's going to be a running gag that everytime
John and Aeryn try to finish the wedding ceremony, that something will interrupt. Why do I suspect their going to reprise that at the end of the show and make it tragic?
Pure speculation on that last bit.
Heh, x-post with Kristin
Vonnie, that would be FUCKED UP.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was true.
Kemper and the boys are seriously twisted. I would be surprised if it *wasn't* true.
John just called
Scorpy "Loverboy"?
Okay, am I nuts or is Chiana nowMichelle Khan?
1812! Aww. I love the little guy.
I agree, Pilot sounds odd. I guess they couldn't get Lani Tupu to do the voice work, huh?
Kristin, do you mean Kwan?
I love it how there's all this implied history of the Peacekeepers, that they don't even bother to exposit.
I have a horrible feeling that the end of this mini is going to make the Angel finale look like TNG's All Good Things.
edited to make the point better.
quester, nope, Khan (she's also known as Michelle Yeoh). I meant the crazy martial arts moves that Chiana was pulling. Michelle Khan is the female Jackie Chan.