4 hours, minus commercials. So really closer to 3. Not long enough.
According to a Sooper Seekrit Source, the DVD release will include an extra hour and a half. (And based on what I've heard will be in that hour an a half, should answer many of the questions that the TV version does not.)
An extra... *cough wheeze hack* Wow. That's quite a bit. How much plot are they cutting out of the mini, anyway? (Don't answer that, I don't want to be spoiled.)
AFAIK, (extremely vauge semi-spoilers):
the A plot is pretty much intact, but a lot of the subplotty things that seem random and inexplicable will supposedly seem less so on the DVD.
Wow. That's a lot of extra show. Kewl. Any idea when the DVD is going to be released?
I'm not sure -- I'm having a very fuzzy-headed day, so I can't even remember if I used to know, and forgot, or if I was never told.
(Real helpful, I know!)
WOW. I hadn't heard that, Jessica. Very cool.
I wonder how long it'll be before the dvd is available, and if they'll distribute it through ADV again, or go with a larger company.
Poor Sam is being totally outclassed. She only blew up a lousy star.
Should go home and set the TiVo.
Sam's wormholes don't turn people into goo, either.
And much as I like the character, I don't think she would look as good in leather as the Moya crew.