I love season 3 for the twinning arc. It's so fucked up, and there's no good way out of it.
Season 2 for the madness, season 3 for the twinning arc. It's a tossup. And Dog With Two Bones breaks me every damned time I watch it. Damn you, Kemper! ::shakes fists of rage::
I love two for the choreography.
Three is awfully fucked up, though.
Choreography? Please to elaborate?
The way everything comes together at the end. All three parts of Liars, Guns, and Money fill me with glee.
Ah, yes. I love that, both LGM and DMD. It's -- what's the phrase I came up with at one point? The shocking inevitability of it all. You're blown away and yet it all makes perfect sense, both plot and character-wise.
Oooh. "Liars, Guns and Money". Probably my favorite multi-part story ever. Although "Into the Lion's Den" comes pretty close (which suffers from the weak set-up ep--I forget the name, the one with Ryg and Scorpius holed up with the annoying aliens.) I do adore the operatic grandeur of the denoument of "Into the Lion's Den" though. "Talyn, Starburst!" (sob!), then the spectacle of Scorpius standing quiet and alone in the midst of the firework and the flooding and all that destruction. Breathtaking, really. I like it better than "Dog With Two Bones" actually, which kind of annoys me now because of my issue with Pod!Aeryn in S4.
which suffers from the weak set-up ep--I forget the name, the one with Ryg and Scorpius holed up with the annoying aliens
I Yensch, You Yensch.
I do adore the operatic grandeur of the denoument of "Into the Lion's Den" though. "Talyn, Starburst!" (sob!), then the spectacle of Scorpius standing quiet and alone in the midst of the firework and the flooding and all that destruction.
Oh, yeah. It's gorgeous. Such a great fandom for vidding, with all those fantastic visuals.
I love the Crais scene, but the Scorpius scene finally breaks through "that's so fabulously over-the-top!" to "eye-roll." It was all just a little too artfully disastrous, y'know?
which kind of annoys me now because of my issue with Pod!Aeryn in S4.
I refuse to let my S4 issues taint my pure and unholy love of DWTB. I shouldn't love it as much as I do: it's the All Crichton Show, and the characters are deeply stupid (WHY is everyone leaving? Why do they think no one will come after them when they just blew up a command carrier?), and the whole baby thing just drives me crazy.
But the scene in the hangar bay, and the vision where Aeryn gets shot and Crichton lets out this incredible broken whimper? See my heart. See my heart shatter. See bits of it scatter all over the floor and end up under the couch where they gather dust.
They're both amazing, but Ben Browder consistently goes places I've never seen a tv actor go, and he just floors me.
I think Season 2 would be my favorite. As much as I enjoy Crichton and Aeryn, Zhaan was my favorite character on the show.