Here is the only spoiler I know concerning Daniel's question.
Here ya go:
Kryptonsite has said that Lois will be introduced in season 4.
Does someone know more? Please?
Of course, as I have stated before, my own opinion is
that Chloe *is* Lois. I'm not saying that is what I want, it's just what I think.
Hmmm. If Chloe got married and divorced she could easily pick up the last name change. Is her middle initial "L"? That'd be a pretty cool spin on the mythos.
That'd be a pretty cool spin on the mythos.
I agree. Which is why I wish I liked the actress better. It'd still be cool, though. I have a feeling this going to be like my many Giles-theories though - I'll believe it for the next two seasons and then it won't be anywhere near what happens and then I'll talk about it like an old fangirl war story for years to come.
note to self: stop trying to predict what's going to happen on these damn shows you watch - you suck at it.
Here is the only spoiler I know concerning Daniel's question.
Oh, cool. I didn't know that. Hey - are they going to re-air the premiere (S-ville)? I'ma be out and, for a host of reasons not worth posting, can't tape.
I heard that Lois is Lana's cousin but no more detail than that.
note to self: stop trying to predict what's going to happen on these damn shows you watch - you suck at it.
Heh, heh -- can't believe I'm admitting this -- I had a theory (well, actually, I was just more babbling for the sake of it, so theory is a bit strong) that they were gonna somehow figure out the Gru was actually Angel's son. Although -- my whole, "And then, it would be all weird, because Cordy would be sleeping with Angel's son" thing wasn't off the mark. So there!
I am waiting for the moment when Chloe realizes that unlike the people who have an easy time being important in Clark's life, she does not have an alliterative name, so she'll seek to change it.
What is Chloe's last name? Does it begin with a "K"?
Perhaps she'll realize that she's meant to be with an LL.
I would like to note at this point that I don't think I've ever seen a full episode of Smallville. Fannish osmosis is an amazing thing.