I wonder how he's going to explain
to Lois how he suddenly knows.
He's not the brightest bulb, nor played by the best actor.
But, dear lord, there was
sweaty shirtless bleeding Lex
con-muffin Lionel
so I was okay. I FFed through the
Where was the latter? I must have been in the kitchen.
I was thinking of the
jailyard stereotype of the exercise yard, and the suddenly buff
Suddenly? There was a shirtless scene last season where even
was attracted to him for a second.
Daniel, she meant the city.
Oh, I'd not be near this calm about mocking the episode had it not been the city.
Guess you're not watching next week's episode of
Veronica Mars,
How did you make it through "The L.A."?
I was taken by surprise. Also, never underestimate the joined power of the Brody and the MacKenzie. They're like the Wondertwins -- shape of a woobie! power of an improviser!