a lovely Jack/Daniel essay
I enjoyed that. And I see Katie got a rec in the comments ... excellent! (I love that one; among the first I ever read, I think.)
Though, I have to say, the example from Shades of Gray (Grey?) leaves out the best part ... which is the "No, it doesn't. We drew straws. I lost." That right there? Perfection. (OK, exaggeration. Still.)
And I think I must have forgotten a significant chunk of Devil You Know, because I can't place it for a damn.
Michael McKean was in the cast that year (1994-1995) and in the skit, he played....Perry White!
Wasn't that his second go-round? I like him, but poor bugger just can't seem to catch a break.
Not sure what you mean by that...
Wow, on reread my post was unusually harsh.
I just remember him being much older than any of the other new faces that year, had previously been on SNL a few times, and almost seemed to be moving backwards careerwise when he became a cast regular in 94-95. But on second thought, he's done pretty well for himself so he's not really a poor bugger by any stretch. Also I'm halfway through
A Mighty Wind
and LMAO, but that's neither here nor there.
ETA: His fake bandmates (Harry Shearer and Christopher Guest) were both regular SNL cast member in 84-85, which may be why I though he was previously a cast member too.
Good pic of Elisabeth Rosen, who played Cadet/Lt. Jennifer Hailey on Stargate:
A heads up for Farscape fans - season 4 complete box set is now available for pre-order (release date is 10-8).
Deep Discount DVD has it for $89.99.
I just realised the other thing I liked about last week's Atlantis (I can't believe I
an ep) was that the time flowed so differently in the two scenarios.
Suncoast.com is offering farscape season 3 boxed sets for $29.99. I'm guessing that this is a clerical error, so you might want to move fast.
Whoa! I just ordered and they're saying it's backordered. My order went through though so we'll see....
From the Comics Continuum Smallville Update:
"Apparently, we're going to see more and more nakedness this season, from what we hear," said Tom Welling, who plays Clark Kent.