And yes, ex-NID. The Trust? I forget where we learned about them. Heroes?
I don't think we've heard of "The Trust" before, but we met the Stargate equivalent of the Consortium in... crap. The one in S6 where Jack was framed. I don't remember the title.
I don't think we've heard of "The Trust" before
You sure? I coulda sworn the Holographic Doctor told someone a story about The Trust. But --
t kicks self in head
I just realized I was confabulating with Alias.
Yeah, I kind of felt like the transportation was deliberately off-screen, and similar enough to make us go, "hmmm ... was it or wasn't it?" I'm expecting there to be fallout that harkens back to this ep. I may be expecting too much.
I thought maybe they were saving money.
Isn't ring light blue? Unless yellow light is cheaper, I think they may just be sowing mystery.
Just wanted to mention that I caught some of a
episode Friday night. There was some stuff about cold fusion. It seemed all right; one of these days I may give it a try.
Excuse me while my head explodes: apparently Claudia Black was considered for the role of Krista in "Affinity". Well, that would've been a different episode. (Note that the link contains what could be considered a very, very vague spoiler for this Friday's episode.)
ETA: Oh, and casting spoilers for Smallville and a later Stargate episode.
Oh, that would have been a waste of a Claudia. Unless they wrote it differently.
They were the N.I.D., then "rogue elements within the N.I.D.," then "former rogue elements of the N.I.D." Eventually, they became completely disassociated from the N.I.D. and we needed a new name for them. Easier said than done, of course, because it turned out every name we thought of had been used on Alias. Eventually, we came up with the Trust -- and it wasn't until weeks later that we learned it, too, had been used on Alias. In the end, it was either stick with the Trust or go with our back-up: The Former Rogue Elements of the N.I.D. Now Working for Private Interests Bent on Global Domination. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
Heh. I wasn't quite sure whether they called themselves "Trust", because I kind of got confused afterward and thought I was confabulating the whole bit, having it mixed up with the baddies from "Alias". I'm still don't know what the hell was going on with the bad guys from "Affinity". They wanted Daniel to... read a symbol? Or something? What for? It was very confusing.
Thank Jebus Claudia Black got (a hopefully) meatier role later on in the game, because Krista was a walking cliché and would have been a total waste of CB.
I would've totally believed she crushed her boyfriend's throat, though.