They're not going to tell us, apparently. Presumably he'll bring it up at some point offscreen.
Lots of *headdesk* moments in this one. On the plus side, everyone looked very hot, except for some of Sam's civilian outfits. She used to have such good taste! Dude, what's up with the pink tweed?
The woman who played
is going to be
Lois Lane
this season on Smallville. (Spoiler, sort-of)
Really. Huh. That's not a good sign for Smallville, given her apparent acting skills.
she'll fit right in
on Smallville.
Wow, how will the woodpeckers know where to go first?
It would be fun if
showed up for some booty call, though.
On a note completely unrelated to Stargate, was it common Buffista knowledge that Jane E. wrote for DS9? I've been going through the entire series, as a friend lent me her collection, and, now in the midst of season 4 I was pleasantly surprised to see JE's name on ACCESSION.
I'd forgotten just how much DS9 loved bringing the pain. I've had Tony Todd break me as two different characters during this season alone.
It would be fun if
showed up for some booty call, though.
Yeah, after last night's Stargate, he could be the really secret identity of
Batman, or even Green Lantern.
And I'm talking about the character, not the actor. Although
Chris Judge
would be interesting casting, too.
has already been the voice of
X-Men: Evolution.
Longest. Science. Montage. Ever.
I was shouting at the screen: "B-Plot, Damnit! We need a B-Plot!"