We caught up with BSG tonight. DH watches the show with his whole attention and asks for the next ep. Which sounds funny, but he isn't much of a tv watcher. BTVS and Angel had him. and a few other things ( like firefly). I am not sure what he likes about it- but for me the emotional payoff is there. Not sure how I feel about Starbuck, I ignore all the stuff about her figureing out how to fly the cylon ship , because that is what SF shows do. ( and in real life - she was dead if she didn't try, so what the heck) However, the cheer at her return - from the whole ship- felt like real joy. It was good.
I'm not sure that the tribunal is shut down, but the sargent - sounded like the sterotypical prissy schoolteacher/old maid. and she forgot the rule - if you are going to try and bring someone down that is above you - make sure something, preferably public opinion, is on your side.
the scene with Adama and the chef was so well done.