''I'm working on 'Buffy: Deep Space Nine.' It will be dark and badly received.''
But that would make Angel TNG, which doesn't work at all.
I must say, reading these posts I'm so happy I didn't keep watching Enterprise.
And, in a slightly more on topic note, I'm a Farscape and Stargate watcher, and I've heard a lot about Due South and Highlander through fanfic.
Shouldn't Principle Snyder be Quark?
t /smartass
Cereal: Xander's Bashir! And Willow's Dax
And Dawn is Jake Sisco(sp?)
But that would make Angel TNG, which doesn't work at all.
Nah, wouldn't that make AtS V'ger?
Trapped in an eternal Pylea...
I was thinking in order of shows Joss made. Like Buffy TOS, Angel TNG. But that doesn't work cause of Firefly. And Firefly is definately Voyager, to shame Voyager by the extreme contrast.
Yeah, Buffy as Sisko, Dawn as Jake Sisko.
Xander's Bashir! And Willow's Dax.
I read those apostrophes as possessives. Thank you.
I like about due South that the show contains both juicy slashaliciousness and "She was a Gold Coast girl. But I was working it."
Not only was Seven of Nine on Sentinel, but T'Pol was on Stargate. With blond hair. I had enough trouble telling them apart when she was a brunette Vulcan!
Shouldn't Principle Snyder be Quark?
WILLOW: Buffy, you'll never believe this, but Principal Snyder was reincarnated as this fugly, greedy, little troll-like alien.
BUFFY: And this is different from his past life how, exactly?
Emily: and
Due South
had magic snow
Sarah McLachlan first!
But that would make Angel TNG, which doesn't work at all.
I dunno... socially clueless boss who takes himself too seriously and has an eye for much younger girlfriends, platitude-spewing psychic woman, patronizing guardianship of the hapless regular folks, the occasional powerful higher being showing up to mess with everyone... IJS, there are parallels to be drawn to season 3.