Hey -- how do you spell tecmateh?
Oh, God, who knows? Arduinna thinks either tec'ma-te, tek ma te, or tek matte - it looks like that's all from closed captioning.
Frankly, once you get past the characters' names, I give up on the question of Stargate and apostrophe placement.
Clearly, as far as the Stargate writers go, an apostrophe simply means it's alien. I don't think they put any kind of Tolkien-ian thought into it.
The Jaffe should have an (') on their head instead of that snake thing. Things would be much easier.
I just wish they'd get it settled - Jaffa as in jaffa cakes, or Jaffa, as in like snooty French jaffa cakes.
What the hell? When did SciFi start showing Enterprise?
Hmm, yes. They need to get some actors for their secondary characters who don't speak High Trek.
I was wondering much the same thing. What's the deal with the ship?
Okay, I'm a little confused. How long ago were those previouslies supposed to be? Because none of that was in last week's ep.
I have no problem with the ship, because I saw Q steal it once.