Smallville was the GAYEST EVER. MR was bringing the gay, full-on. It looked like MR was deliberately introducing the hoyay into *all* their interactions, especially that near-miss kiss at the end...dayum. Such longing. I don't envy Omar the task of picking a GAYLE for this ep. (Or maybe I do.) And JTT in the weight room? He was totally checking out that other guy. (Wouldn't you?)
And I thought this was a good ep, overall-- it seemed like one thing led to another, rather than things happening in plot-advancing sequence (if that makes sense).
I don't know why anyone would care what's going on with Lana, except for the fact that she's the show's beard.
To be honest - the HoYayest HoYay that ever HoYayed for me was not the face grabbing scene OR the hug at the end. It was when Clark ripped Lex free from his body cage. Mama.
For me, it was the tearful Lex looking up from his bonds and saying "I knew you'd come for me" (and then the subsequent cage rippage).
Michael Rosen is a HoYay god.
The "I knew you'd come for me" line made me really sad actually. I love how Lex's life is just pain, pain pain - but I honestly feel bad for the guy, too.
It was wondrous in it's heart-wrenching
They do great with making Lex sympathetic - the one good man in his life, that he loves, is keeping major secrets from him and insists on keeping his beard.
Finally got to see Smallville. It was, indeed, both good and gay.
I kept having the same reaction that I sometimes have had with Angel and Buffy, "Are they really doing all this in one episode?"
Lex didn't trust his father before the murder thing, so he's got to be faking, right? I mean, if his memory is spotty, it's entirely possible that he thinks that Clark's the enemy, and, thus, is faking with him. He was pretty pissed in the rec room.
Anyone get a good look at the painting? It looked like it might mean something, but I have ye olde unresponsive VCR.
Also, Clark gets a big old "idiot" award for not turning off the power, but, you know, par for the course for Smallville CK.
Oh, and did the constant dark blue lighting bug anyone else? Or in Kansas can they not afford to light mental hospitals?
The industrial lighting was kind of dank, but they did go to some effort to light Clark naturally in comparison when he was in the hospital.
Also, lovin' the Massive Attack! Go Smallville with all our Eurotrash faves!
Hee. I'm watching rerun Stargate. They are planting C-4 charges. In one shot, you can clearly see the words "Face this side towards the enemy". Hee.
Claymore mines. They're directional.