The laka came after Aeryn's return, and was explicitly tied to his desire to cut ties between them because he didn't trust her and his obsession was endangering other people. He told her to her face they were done until she changed her behavior and came clean with him about where she'd been and what she'd been doing and who was the father. The alienation from John's side was all about trust and power issues.
So for the writers to throw all that out the window in Twice Shy and make it be about Scorpius was wrong, not least because Scorpius has known for at least two seasons that John's bugfuck nuts over Aeryn. John's too smart not to recognize that pretending he didn't love her would make no difference. He's risked everything for friends he didn't knock boots with in the past, and everyone knows it.
I still think it would have been coolest if Scorpius had orchestrated the capture of Aeryn by the Scarrans in order to throw John into direct conflict with them. It would have made Scorpy an agent for once in Season 4, but if that's what happened there was no indication of it. Such a shame.
Theo, if I call you an enabler, do you promise to take it in the good way?
And thanks
Numfar! Do the dance of one day until new Stargate!
Huh. That looks a lot like the dance of Firefly movie. And, actually, the dance of new Farscape, and... hey!
mmmmm... Stargate. I'd dance a jig to that.
I have a Stargate question. About the episode Birthright, where the women are stealing symbiotes from the men they kill. They were offered the tretonin as an alternative but, after seeing it for the 3rd time I was wondering why they weren't offered the Tokra as a source as well. Aren't they always looking for hosts? I haven't seen all episodes of all seasons so I don't know if there's a cannon reason why.
The Tok'ra don't have a queen, so there aren't any baby Tok'ra symbiotes to live inside Jaffa, and adult symbiotes can't live inside the pouch.
Ah, thanks. I'm new to the intricacies of simbiotes.
Heh. No problem. I... know way too much about Stargate continuity, considering the show's attitude toward said continuity.
Well, since I am now getting hooked on it, I will cast no aspersions about geekdom.
considering the show's attitude toward said continuity.
In a way, I don't mind this about SG1. Even though there are bits in some episodes where I know I'm missing some backstory, I can usually watch any episode out of sequence and not wind up confused as all get-out.