I swear Teal'c always looks like he's pouting in the early episodes.
Yeah, they finally let Chris Judge stop making that facial expression after a couple of years, which was nice of them I think.
ETA: Hee! I love that exchange. Snarky Daniel makes me laugh.
I haven't seen this one before, but snark is good.
I don't think Daniel is snarky, I think Jack is. Daniel is just being honest.
Jack had the snark about talent. That was good.
I was going nuts trying to figure out who Boba Fett (or whatever his name is) was. It's Flash Gordon!
The Jack and Daniel show is too much fun.
It's Flash Gordon!
Sam Jones! That's who he is. boy the years have been hard.
They have, haven't they? Yeah, I knew Flash was Sam, it just took me a while to recognize him. Damn.
Sticking around after liberating Mongo did it to him.
Perhaps Ardala rode him hard and put him up wet a lot?