the issue he was "relieved" to NOT be talking about was his MS, and the issue he was "relieved" to be distracted by was some possible military action
Ugh, yeah, OK. That's pretty squirm inducing.
ETA: Being a president's press spokesperson has got to be all kinds of ulcer-making.
Thought I'd stop by and be a vid pimp.
If you're a Farscape fan, y'all should hie thee over to Tazey's place and download some of her vids (if y'all have broadband, that is). For lo! she is of the brilliant. Right Here, Right Now makes me jump up and down, it's got amazing energy.
Birgit makes marvelous vids: my favorite is probably Adiemus, but I Need a Hero makes me laugh, and I Saved the World Today is a great exploration of the price Aeryn has paid.
Then you can go to Farscape Fantasy and download DallasScaper's Love Over This, among other marvelous finds. The quality there is mixed, as with any open archive, but some of the stuff is excellent. And I just love it that there's an open archive for vids in this fandom: it's the only one I'm aware of.
So. Happy Sunday!
but but I have to go to work today ... i cant't watch vids...
I'm going to end up watching Farscape so I can watch more vids. I have a few that I downloaded and can enjoy with my sketchy knowledge. I've become enough of a vid fan that even though I have dial up I'll download even the largest of vid files.
Speaking of vids, I just watched Killa's K/S vid to Closer by Nine Inch Nails. "What if they hadn't made it to Vulcan on time?" (for Pon Farr)
Sweet baby Jesus this vid is incredible. This is her site:
Her vids are password protected so you'll have to email her, but do it!
It took almost 2 hrs for me to download this vid and it was worth every second.
Askye, I saw that at a Vividcon party a couple of weeks ago. It's the most shocking and amazing vid I've ever seen. Blows everything else away.
As much as I love Star Trek I've never been a huge fan of TOS because it was kind of goofy and melodramatic---plus I don't like Shatner.
However, Closer makes it look edgy and intense and puts the show in a whole other light for me.
Curse you all, now I've started watching Stargate SG-1 and paying attention and
about it. And I'm not usually a shipper, but I am wierdly intrigued by the Carter/O'Neill chemistry. Curse you wee Buffistas and your infectious obsessions.
Curse you all, now I've started watching Stargate SG-1 and paying attention and caring about it.
(Start practicing this mantra now: "This is Stargate. I am not concerned with logic.")
And I'm not usually a shipper, but I am wierdly intrigued by the Carter/O'Neill chemistry.
Hmm. Well, that's all right, I suppose. (They are pretty together.)
Hmm. Well, that's all right, I suppose. (They are pretty together.)
I know it's strange, but it's like I can't help myself.