Both Donnie and his brother actually have quite a bit of acting talent. Who could have known back then. I'm very glad my wishes for their early demise never came true back then.
They also serve to remind me to be thankful that the stupid, arrogant and immature behavior of my teens and early twenties is not preserved for all time on videotape somewhere in the bowels of Hollywood.
Completely unconfirmed rumor has it that shooting started in Australia yesterday for the four-hour Farscape miniseries.
Just thought y'all might want to know that Ben Browder is probably wearing leather pants right now.
t weeps unreservedly at 'Suela's news
Damn, and I didn't get you anything nice...
Completely unconfirmed rumor has it that shooting started in Australia yesterday for the four-hour Farscape miniseries.
The cast must've just been ridiculously thrilled to show up for work yesterday. By now, Aeryn and John aren't even smarties I'd bet.
I should note that this is completely unconfirmed rumor. As in, I really don't know that it's true. As in, I have no direct or even third-hand confirmation of it.
And Henson still hasn't hammered out the distribution issues. Sigh.
I want an announcement, already.
t big heaps of love for Suela, my Farscape pimp and enabler
Okay, I have 2nd-hand confirmation that shooting is ongoing as we type. Wheeee!
But still no announcement, and I don't know when there will be one. The tv business is a very strange place.
Random West Wing question. I don't usually watch it, but I keep running across the same repeat on Bravo, namely, the one where they keep referring to CJ's having made a mistake. What mistake? Sounds like she said something wrong in a press briefing. Any help?
Huh, well, that's no exclusive club.
In this ep, they are prepping for the Pres to give a speech in NH, and Leo, back in DC, has someone else give a press brifing, but she doesn't want to, and Leo says, "I don't care." And earlier Leo tells CJ to quit being mad at him for mumblemumble, and the Pres asks Leo about her ... something like, how long is she on the hook or something. I think she may even go into a barn and try to resign at the end of the ep, but the Pres won't let her. I assumed that since they built much of the episode around her mistake, it might have been memorable.