I'm sort of sorry for Sci Fi, since this is one of their Big Annual Movie events.
Thing is - everyone in my office is talking about it. Even the non-sci fi/genre folks watched it. So, in that respect, is was effective for what Sci Fi wanted to do - get viewers.
The fighter spaceplanes looked like Starfuries, or like X-Wing fighters.
Actually, they looked like the Vipers from the original series. I grant you, that's not original, because the original Battlestar Galactica stole it's look from Star Wars (to the point where Lucas sued them), but the look of the new BG is in keeping with the old. I don't have a problem with that, although I can see how someone coming to the series for the first time might feel that way.
Goes off to sit in the corner with Sean.
eta: or what Sean said. You guys type too frelling fast.
I don't necessarily need all my TV to be "poked a badger with a spoon" original.
I do! I do!
(Okay, not really.)
But in the end, I was sort of sorry I hadn't watched Everwood instead. And I don't especially watch Everwood, only for glimpses of Holli's Secret Boyfriend playing piano. Peter Jennings talking about corn subsidies was more interesting, to me. (Yes, I did watch that, and yes, it was interesting!)
I can see where Jennings talking about corn subsidies might be interesting...
You know, they (Scifi) advertised it all over -- I saw several ads for it during things like the Tonight Show.
I'm in the corner with Sean and DX ('sup?). Since it's a retelling of BG rather than a sequel, I pretty much expected a lot to be the same. I didn't watch the show much in its original run, but enough to get the basics and remember some visuals. I thought they did it right -- too advanced or too different from original BG would've seemed wrong to me. I can also see that I might have had a different reaction if I'd never seen the original.
I liked the line about why one of the launch bays (or whatever they call them) wasn't useable ...
it's a giftshop.
That was silly and funny. Overall, enjoyed and will watch. Not blown away or anything, but I wasn't really expecting to be.
ETA: Retelling I use loosely. Obviously not the same exact story ... more a reimagining, I guess.
I was surprised I even liked BG at all, I expected to hate it and only watch it to 1) for CKR and 2) to mock how stupid it was.
I didn't think it was innovative because almost everything reminded me of something else, not just the original show. Plus I had the same beef about the colonies looking like North America---the look was kind of like the Stargate episode this season.
Also Sci Fi had ads with clips from various movies and things about Falling into Imagination or innovation or something like that, and those are obnoxious because sci fi really isn't doing anything imaginative or innovative. Just showing sci fi movies and shows claiming
ufo cover up was bigger than the last.
Speaking of, would any LFN fans be interested in seeing Roy Dupius' nude screencaps from some movie? I found them the other day, and can try to remember to post a link when I get home late tonight (or early tomorrow morning, as the case may be...).
Heh. Sure. I'd guess they're probably from J'En Suis, which is a fun movie.