The first battle just happened. I like how the Vipers have reaction control thrusters. That's very cool.
And the little sound for the space shots continues to be very cool It's not completely silent, but they clearly tried to keep it as quiet as they thought they could get away with, and the sound levels jump noticably when we switch to an in-cockpit shot.
Okay, BG part one is over. I have to say that I'm really liking what I've seen. Nicely layered story, characters with subtle conflicts, very cool tech and science, all handled fairly well.
And topped off with very good acting and directing choices. The scene where
the tech chief complained to Commander Adama that the XO didn't give him forty seconds to save his men really struck me. Any other director would have let his actors yell melodramatically at each other. Here they whispered.
Great choice!
My only comment so far is that it's evident that the slick super genius doesn't go in for doggy style.
This was among my thoughts as well ... that, and it's a fun new twist in the how to test whether someone's an alien convention.
And the little sound for the space shots continues to be very cool It's not completely silent, but they clearly tried to keep it as quiet as they thought they could get away with, and the sound levels jump noticably when we switch to an in-cockpit shot.
Yeah, it seemed to me that the in-space shots started out completely silent and then, as you say, you hear subtle bits. It's as if they're saying, "OK, just so you know, we know it's supposed to be noiseless ... but you won't mind just this little bit for effect, right?" Kind of an inventive way to deal with it.
They also used some of the innovative shots we saw on Firefly last year. Same SFX production company.
I missed the Serenity flyby.
I missed the Serenity flyby.
I recognized the window she was going to fly through (from the picture you posted) when it came onscreen, and sure enough, within just a few moments, she came flying through.
I caught the fly-by, too, Serenity on landing approach to Caprica city. Very cool. (I hadn't seen the photos. I didn't know what to expect.)
I liked the way they handled the sound in space, too. You got a good feel for what they were doing when they were switching back and forth between the scenes of the mechanics working on Starbuck's viper, and the rest of the squadron maneuvering in space.
I think that had I been the XO, I would've had Starbuck tossed out an airlock, but I liked that the actor playing Starbuck has some beef on her. Muscles are good. She looks like a fighter pilot.
I'm very fascinated by the way they've incorporated a number of events that were part of the series (the Cylon war, Zach's death), but it's all different, too.
Yeah, it's kind of neat seeing them acknowledge so much of the earlier series, then basically shoving it aside to do it right. Very well done. I'd forgotten about Zach's death in the original series. Good catch. I guess Athena and Cassiopeia aren't going to be around this time. I was waiting for Boomer to ask the kid what his name was, and for him answer "Boxey."
Naming Cylon!girl "Number 6" is wrong like a wrong thing.
I don't know a thing about the original Battlestar Galactica, only that it had Lorne Green and Dirk Benedict and capes -- but I rather thought the whole thing was dull and unimaginative. It was sort of like trying to watch a real drama on mute: everything came across schematic and vague and not-entirely-there.
And after all, it was so visually plain. The design and style were boringly traditional. (I'm sure the effects were super-cool, but they were in service to not-so-cool visual logic.)
Well, I enjoyed BG -- hey they spaced their own guys!
Plus, tonight: CKR.
I liked the guy that got left on the planet too.
I didn't end up feeling anything for any of the characters except for the Asian pilot. And even then, not much.