Well, for this I'll cut SciFi some slack since the rights issues for the movies are a major pain for all parties involved.
Oh, I understand, which is why I don't hold it against Sci-Fi (I have plenty of other things to hold against them). But I have grown quite tired of the eps they have.
There are ways to get other MST3K eps. Sean. IJS...
Sheryl needs to share. For it is Monday morning, and my brain is not operating just yet. Are you perhaps a kindly MST3K tape fairy in disguise?
Are you perhaps a kindly MST3K tape fairy in disguise?
I could be, as I have darn near all the eps on tape. I will warn you that
the quality may be iffy, as I taped most at EP.
I'm unconcerned with quality, just to get some fresh eps. If I were to email you my snail mail addy at your profile addy, would you mail me a random selection of tapes, and accept my heaping of meritous, wonderful praise upon you?
An entertaining history of MST3K, on an entertaining site:
The Almost, But Not Quite, Complete History of MST3K.
Poor Boxed Set. Nobody comes to visit you any more.
A whole day without a post. It is strange.
Not that this is a general TV thread or anything, but DH is writing The Water Cooler column while one of the regular guys is on vacation.
Just watching the Sentinel. Gott in Himmel, this show sucks! It's awesome! I'm trying to explain it to my roommate: "Oh, yeah, that's vision sex. No, now that's real-life making out. Yes, that is the woman who killed the guy who came back to life in the beginning. No, see, he stops her from shooting the guy. Eventually. Yeah, they're real close friends. You can tell by the, uh, animal spirits. You know, the jaguar. And the panther. And the wolf. Yes, I do think there was a 12-year-old girl involved in the writing, why?"