OK Summer - she is beating out *Faith* in my All Time Lusted For Female TV Characters. It's bad.
Uh-huh, when she turned up on the Cohens' doorstep on Thanksgiving, in that shirt, with the vee that showed off her rather nice rack? Humina.
t edit
But I am still loving Sandy, and glad I have no competition.
I need to see Summer in
shirt throwing Seth off the bed in a splitscreen with the scene of Faith in Wes' shower tearing up the wall. Then, I'll know for sure. And/or my head will explode.
Oooh, Summer vs. Faith...that's a tough one.
Wow. So not a tough one for me. Faith all the way.
Kirsten is a hottie. I'm liking her more and more every week. Also, I used to hate Peter Gallagher but now I actually LIKE him. It's true, the OC has magical powers.
A friend of mine watched for the first time and called Marissa "that Breck girl." If he'd seen any other ep I guess she would have been "that stringy-haired girl."
A friend of mine watched for the first time and called Marissa "that Breck girl."
I would like her more if she didn't constantly have that wide-eyed expression, like the director said "Look surprised!"
She's like chibi-Marissa.
Oooh, Summer vs. Faith...that's a tough one.
Not really. Faith all the way. Summer's cute, but I'd still take one of the boys over her. (Seth! Always Seth!). But Faith vs. Seth? Yeah...that'd be tough. Though I suppose if it were like, one night vs. regular thing, it'd be easier. (Faith for a night, Seth longer term)
She's like chibi-Marissa.
Bwah! So true.
How's this one for more lip gloss? That site is awesome for screen caps.
Anna had too much makeup on. It was distracting, not in a good way.
So would this be where I brag that the west coast Canadians get The O.C. on Mondays? Also on Wednesday and Thurday, but first on Monday. Yes, I have seen the Seth, Ryan, et al goodness, and it was gooooooood.
Taunty taunty Abby. Hrmph!
Take this!
Damn they're cute.
Awe and delight, indeed.
I think I'm leaning towards wanting him with Summer.
I am taunty. And I will definately take that! And really, since Seth has already been visiting me this week, that makes him mine, no?
Ahhh, my happy place.