I don't really like Message In A Bottle, but I just can't turn away from O'Neill in pain, dammit.
Yeah -- Jack doesn't get self-destructively jealous, denying it all the while if Sam gets with another guy (perhaps because he knows the poor SOB is toast, though), and no pining from either side. Just ... a wee bit of stuff every now and again, but professional.
Hmm, I may have to start watching this more often. My old RDA crush is threatening to re-surface.
Mine is completely tremendous, all thanks to RDA's wonderful touch, and Sci Fi continuously showing it.
I posted this on LJ, too, but:
So, is anyone watching "Carnivale" on HBO out there? And if so, can they come to my house with the entire season on disc?
Lea and I went to a party at a friend of a friend's house, and we caught a wee bit of what I'm told is the penultimate episode of the season last night.
Gah. I'm entirely hooked. They had me at Communion Wafer Razers.
victor - haven't seen last night's ep yet, I have it on tape. i know seank and matt tbf are also watching, if'n you want people to talk about it with.
it took me a while to adjust to the pacing, but i'm pretty hooked, too. haven't watched anything so creepy since twin peaks.
Like I said, I saw all of 15 minutes last night, and now terribly, terribly need to see the rest. Praying it's all as good as that bit was. Our new acquaintance seems to have good taste, and he was extremely hooked, so I have high hopes.
I've got all of it on TiVo, but have only watched the first episode or two.
I've got all of it on TiVo, but have only watched the first episode or two.
I think I know how you can support yourself if you wind up between jobs...
It just dawned on me that I missed
last night. Not important enough to request a tape-but if someone wants to fill me in on any important outcomes, I'd be mucho happy.
I've seen parts of
Enough not to be hooked but still a little intrigued.
On Everwood the main two events were Ephram and Madison getting caught, and then later on Andy deciding to let them keep dating, but he did some good threatening Miss Madison Le Tourneau about actually doing anything with him. Amy brought home NotMeth!Boy for dinner, a fight started, and now she's run away alone.