It seems really obvious to me that Chris is Wyatt's little brother. He's part-witch, part-whitelighter
Yeah -- I, like you, was thinking Chris was Wyatt until last night. And now, like you, I'm figuring little brother. So, it may be an intentional misdirect, but that definitely seems to be what they're going for. I hadn't thought cousin by Paige ... interesting. Actually, I only caught the last fifteen minutes of the show ... and yet, I think I know all I need to know. It's the beauty of Charmed, so uncomplicated.
There was sex? On Charmed? I am shocked.
I, like you, was thinking Chris was Wyatt until last night. And now, like you, I'm figuring little brother. So, it may be an intentional misdirect, but that definitely seems to be what they're going for. I hadn't thought cousin by Paige ... interesting
I'm not sure the show is smart enough for an intentional misdirect, honestly. It might even be that Chris was supposed to be Wyatt, but baby brother was easier to use for whatever reasons.
As for cousin by Paige ... I'd call it possible, but not probable. The baby has to be born within the next two years or so to be old enough to be Chris, and I don't think she's going to settle down that quickly. Plus, I can't imagine the show wants two of the three Charmed Ones to be mommies. It's more likely than him being Phoebe's kid because of the witch/whitelighter thing, but not much more.
And the last 15 minutes is definitely enough to get the idea.
I'm not sure the show is smart enough for an intentional misdirect
True, true. I find it hilarious that no one bothered with "... so, half white lighter, half witch. Unusual combo. Care to explain?" Not surprising, just hilarious. And I agree, little bro is far more likely.
ION, I'm off to watch Stargate Monday on Sc-Fi. Have I mentioned how much I love having cable again? Yeah, I probably have.
Speaking of Stargate, I watched 2 episodes tonight. I've never been a big follower of this show, just watch it when there's nothing else on. I never know what season I'm watching but it never seems to matter. I do have one question though, is it just me or is there some UST between O'Neil and Carter?
Monday night stargate marathon, I'm in heaven.
is there some UST between O'Neil and Carter?
Depends on the episode.
As in -- some times it's textual, other times irrelevant. What happened in the eps you saw?
I'm psyched. I hadn't seen the last two episodes or the one playing now. Hee, bugs ... big, disgusting bugs. Hee.
Well, in one of them Jack got impaled by some alien ball wiith sentient microbes. There was another ep a while back where they were all in some kind of prison and didn't remember who they were. There was a scene where they were sitting together and she had her head on his shoulder. It just seems like there are times when there is some chemistry between them.