Boxed Set, Vol. 1: Smallville, Due South, Farscape
A topic for the discussion of Farscape, Smallville, and Due South. Beware possible invasions of Stargate, Highlander, or pretty much anything else that captures our fancy. Expect Adult Content and discussion of the Big Gay Sex.
Lex had hair stubble
I think he has this a lot. Unless your hair is actually paler than your skin, or it's been torn out at the roots, it's practically impossible to shave it well enough to make the hairline invisible. I mean, they could use more makeup, but -- suppose Rosenbaum's got it written into his contract, that he has to let on he really isn't bald at least once a season? Tommy Lee Jones had to announce it to the world when he won an Oscar.
Considering the snit I was in when I got home from work yesterday, Smallville was just the brainless pleasantry I needed. Lots of bright colors and violence. I managed not to remember until about 8:55 that the whole thing was a vague photocopy of the X-Files season 2 ender.
I caught bits of The OC during the commercial breaks of Angel. Mostly the Seth/Summer makeout scene-- they are ridiculously cute. I find myself wating to write massive amounts of Seth/Summer OC/BtVS.
Yes, please!!! We need more (good) OC fic.
Although, I liked the Seth/Anna kisses way better. Not so frantic and there seemed to be more intensity.
I haven't squealed so much since I was a NKOTB fan. It's really ridiculous. I spend every ep, every time (yay for Thursday rewatch!) giggling and trying not to touch the screen.
Did anyone else see a difference in Marissa this ep?
You know what was nice about this ep? No Lana till the mid-point.
I have set up a small and dignified alter where I am praying that there is no Lana and Clark together for one, maybe two eps if we're lucky.
I loved the Lexaliciousness of Smallville - also slightly darker Clark. Yay for darkness!
And the O.C.? - I'll admit it. I had a tear at the end. It was great. More later. Once my fog of TV bliss has passed.
I have set up a small and dignified alter where I am praying that there is no Lana and Clark together for one, maybe two eps if we're lucky.
Good luck with that. "Clark and Lana Aren't Dating Anymore" is the new "Lana's Parents Are Dead".
Seth is the mack fucking daddy. Mmrrrowr.
I'd really hope we get to see some of him explaining it to Ryan.
But amych! Lana realized Clark is too dangerous! Surely we'll just see her pass by him in the halls and they might mention her once or twice but they won't be a couple and there is no way the meaningful last scene of every episode will be Lana coming to the barn and telling Clark that she just wants him to open up and trust her. Right??
Mmmm. I do love this dry Egyptian heat.
Seth is the mack fucking daddy. Mmrrrowr.
And in an argyle sweater vest. Adorable.
Hottest makeout scene so far? My vote goes to Seth and Summer in the poolhouse.
When Summer caught Sandy in the poolhouse and freaked out? My love for her grew a million times. They must make her a regular.
Seth is the mack fucking daddy. Mmrrrowr.
Yes, yes he is. He is also the daddy mack.
The thing is, with him it also ties in to his insecurities. He can't believe that one girl would like him, so when there are TWO, he doesn't know how to decide between them. And doesn't want to miss out on the opportunity to mack, since he doesn't know when it'll happen again.
Or I could just be projecting.
Did anyone else see a difference in Marissa this ep?
The Orange Sweater of Self-Actualization! Still not too bright, though.
I liked that this episode put Clark in a position where he couldn't just figure some perfectly right solution. He could have helped get Lex hospitalized immediately, but that might be a bad decision because Lionel could have something planned. Yet keeping him hidden isn't such a good idea because he's unpredictable and scares horses. And now he has to pretend that Lex hallucinated the thing he did with the car, because admitting that Lex isn't entirely loopy about that would mean revealing his secret. Clark got to be selfish and self-preserving.
Previously it sounded like Julian died of SIDS or the like. It might have been some accident, like a young Lex putting a teddy bear in the crib that ended up smothering the baby, or it could just be that he didn't notice the baby had been quiet too long until it was too late. I do think regardless of whether it was Lex's fault, Lionel let Lex blame himself, and probably subtly encouraged it.