Mmm... Luke doll. I always loved Bo though.
My college roommate has the Luke doll. Our third roommate got them for us for Christmas. We were late to rugby practice on a regular basis b/c of the Dukes of Hazzard reruns. This was a bad thing, since I was president at the time.
I will not tell you all how long it took me to figure out how a man fastens a belt to a dinner plate. Let us just say I'd been wondering about that since I was little, and finally figured it out when we went on a family trip to New Mexico and got to handle a few at tourist traps.
It might have been a shout out. SV's done them before. I think I remember one episode opened with JS driving down the road in a pick-up, listening to the radio play, "Just some good ol' boys, never meanin' no harm . . . "
JS driving down the road in a pick-up, listening to the radio play, "Just some good ol' boys, never meanin' no harm . . . "
Did anybody see him and Tom Wopat singing the old TV themes on the CBS special? TW is a musical theatre boy, but JS, while he can sing fine, is SUCH a cheese ball!
Yes, I love them. I will love them forever.
I used to watch Dukes of Hazzard all the time. I remember being with my parents in department store while they were shopping for new dishes or something and being so upset because I was missing the Dukes of Hazzard!! and didn't my parents have priorities!!!
AND since they were cousins it's alright to slash them in several states!
you know it is easier to watch the old cheese than the new cheese.
Just saw Smallville -- I'd have liked it better if the connections weren't so - look everyone is connected for ever.
I just wanted to note that William B. Davis (X-Files Cancer Man) was established as the mayor of Smallville in season 2's episode "Ryan", where Clark broke the mind-reading kid out of some test facility, but he died in the end anyway. Lex had a couple of scenes where the Mayor tried to blackmail him into making campaign contributions or he wouldn't get permits to expand the plant.
(I looked most of that up. I only remembered that they established the Mayor in a previous episode).
Any chance at all he could turn into a giant snake?
Just a note on Tru Calling tonight.
Cound they not write a
reason for him to go back into the burning building?
- There were other firemen there, wearing proper gear.
- He was 5 feet from proper gear.
Is it too much to ask for either the writers or the character to be less dense?