So Bo Duke rides again - tonight on Smallville.
Michael McKean is inspired casting though.
I get a kick out of the storyline taking place during the largest Solar Flare ever....
God - scenes between TW and KK are really a black hole of anti-charisma, aren't they.
I'd take Angel/Cordelia over this drivel. Sweet zombie Jesus, as Joss has said.
I read them more as a neutral, pretty inanimate objects placed next to each other as a still life kind of thing.
Whereas Angel/Cordelia had such a negative amount of chemistry, I'm surprised they could get the film to develop for certain episodes.
We'll have to agree to disagree Matt. A/C was wrong like a wrong thing, but at least that had a car crash kind of fascination. Clark/Lana makes my brain want to fall out.
Did you see Lex's face light up when Perry mentioned Clark? Bwahh!
Don't watch Smallville, but I caught the promo for next week and oh my God, did KK look exactly like Teri Hatcher or was it just me?
The promo reminded me of the Roswell ep where they played the people involved in the original Roswell incident.
She did look like Teri Hatcher! And KK is like this miniature woman, isn't she?