Why does every SFish series have to have a frozen in ice episode?
Because finding some improbably outfitted supermodel wrapped up in saran wrap would have too many Twin Peaks connotations to be enjoyable for the male sci fi viewers?
'Beneath You'
A topic for the discussion of Farscape, Smallville, and Due South. Beware possible invasions of Stargate, Highlander, or pretty much anything else that captures our fancy. Expect Adult Content and discussion of the Big Gay Sex.
Why does every SFish series have to have a frozen in ice episode?
Because finding some improbably outfitted supermodel wrapped up in saran wrap would have too many Twin Peaks connotations to be enjoyable for the male sci fi viewers?
I don't know, but man, the Stargate Ice!Chick Episode was terrible. I think I blocked the memory out of self-defense.
Oh, God, yes. Spectacularly bad. I mean, really, really bad, to the point that even my brain (which is really pretty tolerant of Stargate silliness) had to say No More. I think it's the lingering biologist in me that ended up pushing me over the edge - thank God I'm not a physicist.
The only good thing about that episode is that it existed in order to give us Abyss. Angsty multiply-murdered Jack! Gotta love that.
Oy. Yeah, that episode was terrible--non-sensical, cliched, and just a ball of wrong. Yeesh.
I can think of an XFiles ice story, which wasn't great,
You're thinking of the S1 episode, Ice? I lurve that episode, for all the ripping off The Thing it did. I liked the paranoia, and let's face it, anytime Mulder and Scully draw guns on each other? I'm so there. Plus, pre-Sports Night Felicity Huffman and pre-24 Xander Berkeley! (Although they were both bloody annoying and I wanted to smash their heads together before I became fond of the actors.)
OMG, Vonnie. That was Felicity Huffman? Huh.
And yes, "Ice" is beloved amongst X-Philes for the neck-checking scene, among others...
I just watched a SN I'd never seen before, the one with the Secret Santas and Dana's brother coming to the studio after the story broke about the drug use. I thought I'd seen them all, it was really nice to see a new one. Mmmmm, Danny.
See, I loathed Abyss with a fiery passion. Daniel, asended or not, wouldn't just hang around when his friend was being tortured and killed, he'd do something. Heck, he went nuts when he couldn't help random bystanders.
Does anyone else think it's weird that both SG1's resident linguist guys have been considered as serious risks for schizophrenia?
Does anyone else think it's weird that both SG1's resident linguist guys have been considered as serious risks for schizophrenia?
No, but I think the rest of the base started placing bets the minute Jonas came on board.
Mmmmm, Danny.
Mmm. Now I'm gettin' the jones to rewatch my SN DVDs for, like, the fourth time in a row.
I find Dean Cain and Tom Welling conventionally attractive -- I might do a sly double-take if I saw them walking down the street. Michael Rosenbaum, however, probably isn't conventionally attractive, but for me, the dude is stealth-sexy. I didn't see what the fuss was over Lex until I saw him move, heard him talk, watched him smile and think -- and as soon as I did, I switched into lizard-brain mode. Wantwantwant! Want now!
Kind of like how I feel about Peter Wingfield and Callum Keith Rennie.
The X-Files ep "Ice" is good - great work with claustrophobia, paranoia, Mulder making pithy jokes, "Before passing judgment, remember boys, we are in the Arctic." And I'd think the modern encased-in-ice episodes might be a result of "Logan's Run" or Han Solo's time frozen in carbonite.
I liked The Thing so much, the redux had nothing to offer me. Though it was better than the parallel volcano threat ep.
I'd think the modern encased-in-ice episodes might be a result of "Logan's Run" or Han Solo's time frozen in carbonite.
Not the Mutant X one, I don't think. That was pretty mildly Thing. I don't recall the Logan's Run freezing, but the essence in most of these is that a threat is unfrozen, unlike Han Solo.
Agred that MR is unconventionally attractive, which is why he's attractive. This is why he should guest start on Alias, which has a good track record of unconventional walking sex magnets. Also, he is too smart not to know, and not a good enough actor to completely hide the knowledge, that the writing is terrible. He says his lines as if they all were the denouement of an Agatha Christie mystery. It's the acting equivalent of watching Lucius Malfoy prance around saying "Evil! Evil!"
The XF episode Ice was great fun. I mean, even before the shrinkage jokes and everyone being required to poop in a jar. It was also an example of the things you can do with a production budget of $1.23!