In the WashPost TV chat someone said this:
Smallville, Va.: Actually, I'm a fan of the show along with my 10-year-old son. I see it as a training ground for him to be a teen, deal with angst and the idea of being different from others. But how long can this type of show last? One more season? How long can 20-somethings look like high schoolers?
I'm shocked. THIS is a good plan???
I think she means that she's trying to raise her son to be gay, so that when the time comes, she won't be losing a son, she'll be gaining another son.
Well, I suppose she has a point -- I mean, it really is all about learning to deal with the fact that you're different from the other kids....
it really is all about learning to deal with the fact that you're different from the other kids....
But Clark's an idiot. As a "how not to" it's a pretty good object lesson, I suppose.
But how long can this type of show last? One more season? How long can 20-somethings look like high schoolers?
This person also seems to be completely unfamiliar with the concept of the teen drama...Dawson's, 90210, - 40-somethings can pass for high schoolers in TV land.
Or her son is an alien. Or at least part alien. According to the X-Files, the 90's was a time full of alien inseminations.
I think I understood it just fine, unless understanding is meant to imply not hating it with a passion.
Yeah, that's the one. I mean, I understood the point. I think. Kind of. (I did end up thinking of a quote I read recently from a guy who jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and survived; he said that he realized about half a second after he jumped that he had no unsolvable problems except for having just jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge.) It was the plot that I was hopeless on. I'm fairly certain there was some sort of plot twist about who bounced and who splatting, but I have no clue what it was.
a quote I read recently from a guy who jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and survived; he said that he realized about half a second after he jumped that he had no unsolvable problems except for having just jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge.
Not everyone gets to use that epiphany -- how injured was he?