her stupidity about her parents and particularly her mother is just grating. I knew that she was going to fuss about the decorator having worked with her mother and it's so incredibly stupid.
After 3 seasons, I was hoping for SOME progress. I think that's why I wasn't feeling the love last night. No progress on the Lorelai-Rory co-dependence, no progress on the Emily-Lorelai stubbornness. It might as well still be the first season.
Although Michel has hair, which I'm really digging.
And, again, Sookie = pretty.
For a minute that storyline worked, because when one has a mother who enjoys the attack, you don't want any secret leaking of information. But then it did seem to get obsessive, and turn into just another thing for Lorelai and Emily to fight over. And Traci Lords' character seemed that she had no problem making the situation work for her. She could be the Mata Hari of interior decorators.
After 3 seasons, I was hoping for SOME progress.
There has been progress, but now, with the inn, Lorelai's regressed to "Doing something new! Must do it ALL BY MYSELF WITHOUT MOTHER!" mode. It's annoying, but I don't think it's out of character.
I think they've also had a set back in that Rory's starting Yale is a bit like when Rory started Chilton - both times Lorelai needed her parents' money to get her into the school, so she's feeling weakened and powerless and wants as much control over other things as she can get.
I fast-forwarded through an awful lot of last night's GG. Paused for the byplay during Casablanca, though. Mmmm, Luke.
Yes, I'm shallow. Don't hold it against me.
And yes, the Emily-Lorelai relationship really pisses me off.
R.E.M. appears to have sold their souls to Smallville. How odd.
R.E.M. appears to have sold their souls to Smallville. How odd.
Shit, did Chris Elliot miss a payment?
I get it. REM, band. REM, rapid eye movement during sleep.
Please, tell me that wasn't the connection.
I'm watching Smallville. Buffy Clark is helping a boy girl in a coma fight back against the spectre of her baseball coach
The only thing missing is "Lucky Nineteen"