Miguel from Passions
You mean Migayl.
Seriously. That's what us TWoP Passion-istas call him. He has about as much sexual chemistry with Charity as Detective Kate had competent line readings.
Still, a fun episode. Two villians fell into the Ocean of We Won't See Them Until Sweeps. Lana's rake-fu! A swinging door that completely disobeys the laws of physics! Lex and the Magnificent Bastard working together at last! Lex's subtle asking for permission to eventually marry Clark! The Big Gay Hug!
I forgot the Tequila Sunrises of More Than Just Business Associates Wink Wink Wink.
Shame on me.
Pinwiz, I almost choked laughing at your wording.
I thought that the Lana kicking butt thing was going to be just in that one episode last season.
Guess not.
Dude, Pete is Helen. Or one of the Helens. That's why we haven't seen him in two episodes.
If they alternate between putting TW in sneakers and work-boots, that could result in height differences of several inches, and MR is always in formal shoes, so depending on wardrobe TW could seem the same size or bigger. And they dress TW in baggy jeans and flannel shirts while MR is usually in stream-lined suits, so he also seems smaller width-wise.
Okay, so this episode marks the, like, 20th time Martha's been tied up? I kind of hope she's into B&D, or at least is by now so it'll all come to some good.
"If I raised a son that can kill, kill me ..."
- He's under the influence. No need to assume he's the son you raised.
- And what if you raised a son that engages in other felonies? What then?
- Way to go to keep out of the situation -- if he can kill, he kills you, and it's no longer your problem.
There is the question of whether RedKryptonite!Clark is essentially the same person as Clark!Clark. (almost referred to him as Clarky Clark.) Clark seems to consider his Red self to be him, just a part of his personality he usually controls, and Bo seems to share some of that thought. It's more like him getting blitzed than just having his switch flipped from good to evil.
It's more like him getting blitzed than just having his switch flipped from good to evil.
So Bo
raise a son who steals and lies, but he seems very unbothered by it.
Well, a serial killer is really just a nun without a superego, right?
Okay, that didn't come out as mellifluously as I'd hoped. Actually, the red kryptonite seems to work a lot like PCP, with the complete loss of inhibitions, the "I'm indestructible" chestnut, and the random taking off of clothing. Clark always talked really really slowly, however.
Eh. Episode was kind of boring, and I'm glad I had baseball to distract me. Maybe it's just not a fun show when 8 people aren't snarkingon it actively.