At defunct board I was at for Andromeda Ascendant, we called rerun periods AWS, for Andromeda Withdrawal Syndrome.
A whole community AWSing made for some very fine bonfires indeed.
A thread to discuss naming threads, board policy, new thread suggestions, and anything else that has to do with board administration and maintenance. Guaranteed to include lively debate and polls. Natter discouraged, but not deleted.
Current Stompy Feet: ita, Jon B, DXMachina, P.M. Marcontell, Liese S., amych
At defunct board I was at for Andromeda Ascendant, we called rerun periods AWS, for Andromeda Withdrawal Syndrome.
A whole community AWSing made for some very fine bonfires indeed.
Well, the two other largish boards/mailing lists I'm on are also kerfuffling, and neither are TV related. One is general interest, and going through a similar "who are we, and are we the same as we were when we started" identity crisis to this one. The other is skating-related, and has managed to get into a political argument started by discussion over the streaker who disrupted Kwan's warmup at Worlds (sounds goofy, I know, but it's turned into the trade-off of security vs. liberty), plus the usual recurring argument over whether or not Kwan is washed up and should hang up her skates.
So I think it's the time of the year and the tension in the world.
I'd certainly agree with time of year. It snowed here today. I'm so insanely sick of snow I could scream. It doesn't make for feelings of lighthearted joy.
Also, I e-mailed my post to Elena, since I talked about her in it, and she said she's not horrified to have been talked about, so, well, I believe I've just been hoist on my own petard.
John H. left because of the mieskie/schmoker incident. He told me the same by email right after he disappeared. I say this to clear up any uncertainty WRT John H. But a damn shame all around.
Edited to remove the direct quote from John H.'s email which I had quoted w/o his permission. (Although he did tell me quite firmly to never contact him again, so that permission is unlikely to ever be gotten.)
Wolfram, did he say you could post that? (Not wanting to start anything here, but I also don't want to set a precedent of posting back-channel stuff, as that leads to lots of problems. Maybe, if everyone posting a quote from an email or livejournal or IM conversation would just note "X said I could post this" as a matter of habit, it would be useful.)
It's 2am eastern. That means it's even late for the west coasters. Could we, do you think, all vacate bureacracy for a bit and come back to this in, say, 24 hours? Or maybe on Monday? I think we could find tempers cooled and frustrations subsiding if we just gave it a rest.
Wolfram, did he say you could post that?
Edited. And thanks Hil. My better judgement went to sleep about 2 hours ago.
I second Deena's motion.
Get out, get out, get out!