I get that, but, again -- and I'm being serious, not snarky -- beyond acknowledging that yes, some people feel steamrolled over and less likely to speak up; yes, some people are too aggressive; and yes, it's important to make an effort to play nice and be thoughtful before hitting "Post," what else can we do?
Oh, and calling people on their bullshit when you see it.
eta: And instead of agonizing over this forever, changing a diaper and kissing a booboo before posting, I could have just waited for Kat and said, "what she said."
Though I have to admit taking offense on behalf of other people is a dicey proposition, because....what if *they* aren't offended? Or, as (I think) Micole put it yesterday, "Stop putting words in my mouth."
Reposting the whole thing since I think it's important.
First point, I don't think there's another thing to be done. That's it. I'm also not sure any of us can point a finger and say Poster X is too aggressive. It depends on context, on emotional investment, on a lot of things, and Poster X's identity changes daily. There are a number of people on the board who have a more aggressive personality than another number of people on the board. That's just the way it is.
Since Allyson doesn't seem to mind being used as an example, I would have thought she was "too aggressive" when I first read some of her posts. I would have been wrong. We have different types of personalities, different issues, but I bet if Allyson said something that I found personally hurtful and I said so, she'd address that, one way or another, and eventually we'd reach some understanding. (And if I'm wrong and she does mind, I bet she'll speak up and I'll edit this right out.) If, during the addressing of it, I left the board for awhile, that's my choice. She could have maybe been nicer. I could have not taken it personally. We'll get around it, eventually.
I was startled that not everyone agreed that an apology was warranted when they'd offended someone. If I state something that offends, I always apologize because, even though I believe what I said to be true, I never intended offense. If I offend, then I haven't said what I meant to say successfully. That's my personality. It's not for everyone, and I value the people who disagree with that (even though they're wrong!).
I do think there are personality frictions on this board, and I don't like that because I want us all to love one another in a cotton candy colored world. But nothing works like that, ever. We know that. What we've got is, I think, the closest we can get.
I believe it was Kristin who said in Minearverse that it is a difficult concept to accept that not everyone loves her. Plenty of people chimed in that they felt the same way about themselves. While I know everyone loves me, I do wonder if, somewhere out there, there isn't a strange creature who thinks I'm a waste of space and time. I can't imagine it, but it could be true.
Second point, you're absolutely right, and really, I've found for myself, that it never ends well when I get offended on someone else's behalf. I either don't know the whole story, or the other person wasn't offended at all, or they get over it... Any number of bad things can happen, including escalating something minor to a major kerfuffle.
From this board, I've learned to actually have a (infinitesimally) thicker skin instead of thinking 'I need one of those, how do I get it?' That's not a bad thing at all, imo, and it's been as painless as possible. I try not to fight other people's battles anymore. When I forget, I often get my nose bopped.
So, the most important thing to me, is that there are things to do on both sides of this equation.
Make the effort to play nice, deal with things as they happen, try not to take offense for others, try to speak up when you're offended, spend time building relationships with people who accept you as you are and try to see the valuable in personalities completely unlike your own.
And I'm trailing off in indecision because I'm not sure I made a worthwhile point or just took up bandwidth.