I'm getting off for a bit, but will be back on before the discussion in lightbulb closes at midnight.
Jon, if you are around, I will post my final language in that thread.
A thread to discuss naming threads, board policy, new thread suggestions, and anything else that has to do with board administration and maintenance. Guaranteed to include lively debate and polls. Natter discouraged, but not deleted.
Current Stompy Feet: ita, Jon B, DXMachina, P.M. Marcontell, Liese S., amych
I'm getting off for a bit, but will be back on before the discussion in lightbulb closes at midnight.
Jon, if you are around, I will post my final language in that thread.
[moved to Bulbs]
Wolfram easily annoyed ten people with what turned out to be a style (as opposed to his intent) that didn't didn't bother a bunch of others.
But nobody suggested that official action be taken against him. Not one person.
Wolfram easily annoyed ten people with what turned out to be a style (as opposed to his intent) that didn't didn't bother a bunch of others.
But annoyed to the point that they would second a warning? I know that I was annoyed, and I expressed my annoyance, but it wasn't anywhere near that point. Not by a long shot.
Wolfram easily annoyed ten people with what turned out to be a style (as opposed to his intent) that didn't didn't bother a bunch of others.
But no one asked that he be warned. Maybe I'm Polyanna, but I have a tough time believing that ten of us could all be that immature at the same time. I prefer to assume that we'll act like adults.
Dudes, are we discussing this here or in Lightbulb?
Get thee to the bulb.
The discussions on PF have been moved, all hail Lance, we're back in the driver's seat.
It was actually kind of quiet there today.
Hail, Lance!