Right. One Minear thread. If there's to be a Wonder Falls thread, we'll need to propose it. Till then, the Minear thread (once created) can be a home base.
Okey-doke. My memory was faulty on this one but looking back at the posts just got me more confused. Sigh.
When we set up Spoilers Lite in order for people to discuss casting.
My understanding (and it could be wrong) is that spoilers lite (@ WXing) was set up to discuss Spike's soul/human/vampire status, not spoilers. Then, casting spoilers went in there. And there are some things that have always been considered casting spoilers. The cast of regulars, of major characters though - I don't see where that has been.
But I think that saying we never considered casting to be spoilery, even over the summer, is as much hyperbole as saying we always did, no exceptions.
But I'm not saying that, or if/where I am, I'm expressing myself poorly. I didn't (certainly never meant to say) "we never considered casting to be spoilery" - we did. It's in the FAQ. But there's a difference between learning someone is coming and going while in the midst of a season (all agree that's a casting spoiler, even if not all feel spoiled by it), than there is going into a season knowing who the regulars (the title credited regular actors and the characters they play).
Do people go to films purposefully not knowing who is in the film? Did we not openly discuss the Firefly cast (this is a sincere question, not just a rhetorical one) before Firefly aired? Is it a spoiler that Eliza has a new series, Tru Calling? In the Tim/Wonderfalls thread, are we not going to be allowed to discuss who is in the cast until it comes to air. How are people going to know if they're interested in it?
And again, this information I'm talking about - the major, regular actors/characters is allowable when the WB tells us on TV, but apparently not when they renew the series. And I do not get why. If it's a matter of time, I certainly hope that (and will argue in favor of) Buffistas would compromise and give plenty of time for a post-mortem in NAFDA prior to making the cast news NAFDA-legal.
The issue of casting, even summer casting, has come up before. Aside from that, the wording of the spoiler policy has been revised at least twice since we left TT.
But the guy who wrote our currently accepted FAQ and slug said the issues weren't thought of when he wrote them.
But I think that saying we never considered casting to be spoilery, even over the summer, is as much hyperbole as saying we always did, no exceptions. The issue of casting, even summer casting, has come up before.
Which, to me, is an argument against applying the granpappy claws. If our policy hasn't been consistant, then I don't think it's fair to point to one spot of writing and claim that it encompasses this specific issue.
I was relatively clue-free about Dawn, but knew all about the addition of Gunn and the subtraction of Giles.
Was Dawn in any promos? If she was, was discussion about MT being added to the cast then allowed prior to the s5 premiere. (I almost wrote "s4" - damn! monk mojo is major.)
My understanding (and it could be wrong) is that spoilers lite (@ WXing) was set up to discuss Spike's soul/human/vampire status, not spoilers.
In fact, Ple summarized it at some point -- Spoilage Lite was a response to the Torez spoiler (Riley guest-starring in S6), so that people who had been spoiled on that, but were not all-the-way spoilerists, could talk about it. Spoiled On Spike's Status was a between-seasons thread for talking about whether Spike (a) had a soul and/or (b) was still a vampire.
Actually, both of the above situations remain spoilers, under any definition on the table (a guest star, and a plot point). We've never, to my knowledge, set up a separate thread to deal with regular cast changes over the summer.
Was Dawn in any promos?
I don't believe so. Discussion about MT being in the cast was definitely
allowed until after the first ep aired.
My understanding (and it could be wrong) is that spoilers lite (@ WXing) was set up to discuss Spike's soul/human/vampire status, not spoilers. Then, casting spoilers went in there.
I'm pretty sure it was the reverse -- the Spoiled on Spike's Status thread was put into a pre-existing Spoilers Lite folder. The part I can't remember now is whether SL was set up in response to a particular issue, or just because people wanted a middle ground.
The original Torez Spoiler thread was in the main spoilers thread, iirc.
Oh, wait, you mean, like the WorldX organizational structure? I assumed all the spoily threads were in one folder, but apparently not.
Boy, that folder structure really blew, didn't it? Very glad we've got individual-subscribe threads now.