I don't really have a security blanket... unless you count Mr. Pointy.

Buffy ,'Lessons'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

msbelle - Jun 03, 2024 7:24:40 am PDT #920 of 2753
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

I had family in town and took off Friday. Lots of walking Friday - Sunday. I could have slept in until probably noon, alas have to work.

Getting focused is a challenge. Might take a nap for lunch.

Jesse - Jun 03, 2024 7:48:11 am PDT #921 of 2753
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

Oh my god, Dana, what a nightmare. Good luck!!

I have not yet recovered from my Friday working at alumni day, since I had too many items this weekend, but at least I have a quiet day at work.

Toddson - Jun 03, 2024 7:53:08 am PDT #922 of 2753
Friends don't let friends read "Atlas Shrugged"

I ended up reading most of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance while cat sitting - kitty demanded company while eating and liked petting and cuddles. I ended up reading most of Ayn Rand in my 'teens.

For book recommendations, how about The Kaiju Preservation Society. It's fairly light, as such things go and I enjoyed it a lot.

I am currently all alone in the office ... the main downside is that every five to seven minutes, the lights go out and I have to scoot away from my desk to wave my hands in the air to get them back on. Seemingly, it's something I have to live with.

meara - Jun 03, 2024 7:58:07 am PDT #923 of 2753

Toddson that sounds annoying but maybe it’s a new alternative to a treadmill desk, forcing you to move? :)

Dana that sounds awful. Good grief.

Jesse - Jun 03, 2024 8:22:33 am PDT #924 of 2753
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

I was leading a meeting Saturday morning (see above) and after an hour, someone's phone went off with an alarm that he should stand up and stretch. So I had us all stand up and stretch! It was a good idea. 5-7 minutes is far too often for that, though!

JenP - Jun 03, 2024 8:34:24 am PDT #925 of 2753

That's funny, Jesse -- I love that. Toddson, my boss at BoA a hundred years ago that that issue in her office... but it was light enough so that half the time, she'd just sit there in the dimness, and when I'd walk in, she'd be like, "Oh, thank you..." like I had just paid to get her electric turned back on. It was pretty funny.

Had a really fun reunion weekend this past weekend. (msbelle, I saw Dani briefly and got to share that and how you and I knew each other. We had the funniest exchange, which was basically, "We never really hung out in college, yet I've always been drawn to you!" "I know, me, too!" And hugs. It was good.)

Now for work. I also have a three-hour dentist appointment for a crown today. Blergh.

Toddson - Jun 03, 2024 8:43:04 am PDT #926 of 2753
Friends don't let friends read "Atlas Shrugged"

Crowns don't have to be bad ... root canals, however .... (which require a crown)

JenP - Jun 03, 2024 8:47:05 am PDT #927 of 2753

Yeah, I had the root canal a couple of weeks ago, and I have to say -- easy as pie and not a bit of pain afterwards. The crown's not bad; it just takes forrrrevvvverrrrr. Honestly, I'm lucky to be getting a crown; the endodontist wasn't sure that would be possible, which would have meant an extraction and all that follows that. He also did a bit of the build up that the dentist would've needed to do, so he was pretty proud of himself by the end. He said, "I made Dr. A's job easier!"

meara - Jun 03, 2024 8:49:30 am PDT #928 of 2753

Lol so my sister was on a weight loss drug study like I am but hers ended a few weeks ago. So no more drugs. I was asking how she’s doing and she said she even lost a little more weight…but it was probably because she had two root canals, temporary crowns, and plans for permanent ones, over the past couple/next couple weeks. I will pass on that diet plan please!

msbelle - Jun 03, 2024 9:15:05 am PDT #929 of 2753
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

Aw JenP, fun.

Really: the reunion, not the dental work.