I hope you don't think that I just come over for the spells and everything. I mean, I really like just talking and hanging out with you and stuff.

Willow ,'First Date'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

erikaj - May 27, 2024 10:53:51 am PDT #753 of 2731
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

Yeah, good for them.(and you)

Shir - May 27, 2024 10:56:33 am PDT #754 of 2731
"And that's why God Almighty gave us fire insurance and the public defender".

Steph, the wedding sounds incredible. Thank you for the descriptions!

askye - May 27, 2024 10:57:50 am PDT #755 of 2731
Thrive to spite them

The wedding sounds amazing!

Atropa - May 27, 2024 12:38:06 pm PDT #756 of 2731
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

That wedding sounds fantastic!

I have returned from the annual Vampire Masquerade Ball in PDX, and OMG I am tired. But everyone looked amazing, my outfit was very sparkly under the stage lights, and I managed to avoid interacting with a friend's horrible ex-husband!

... but whooo, am I glad I took tomorrow off. All I want to do is sleep.

JenP - May 27, 2024 1:49:39 pm PDT #757 of 2731

You looked fabulous! (FB)

Such a chill day here, wow. I napped. Had a lovely dinner with my nephew and his partner last night at a really good Yemeni place, a new discovery.

That's about it.

Laura - May 27, 2024 2:12:17 pm PDT #758 of 2731
Our wings are not tired.

I have done little on my list today, but I did swim for 30 minutes and ride the stationary bike for 25 minutes. A valid way to avoid doing housework. I did toss bath mats and a dog blanket in the wash too.

P.M. Marc - May 27, 2024 2:21:57 pm PDT #759 of 2731
So come, my friends, be not afraid/We are so lightly here/It is in love that we are made; In love we disappear

I managed to avoid interacting with a friend's horrible ex-husband!

Ooo! On a scale of Crypt Keeper to Decayed Road Kill, how bad did he look?

Steph L. - May 27, 2024 2:57:34 pm PDT #760 of 2731
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

I did nothing yesterday except nap and order pizza and watch the Pixar movie Elemental. And post photos online. Today I had to wash 3 days' worth of dishes, go to the grocery stores (TJs and Meijer), get the car washed, and do some food prep for the week (hard-boiling eggs and cutting up fruit).

askye - May 27, 2024 3:36:27 pm PDT #761 of 2731
Thrive to spite them

I had an ok day. I have today and tomorrow off---tomorrow I finally have an eye appointment (since it's covered with my vision insurance I'm doing that) and I'm going to get new glasses. I'm pretty sure the teal ones I tried on will be the ones, but apparently Walmart employees get a really good discount on a 2nd pair so I may also get prescription sunglasses.

I'm finally getting out of my funk and feeling creative but the computer/craft room is a mess and one or more of the cats has been peeing in the room less than a foot away from the litter box. I feel gross it happened and I didn't notice. We have 5 litter boxes and they are indoor /outdoor. I think it's behavioral. I thought about feliway diffusers but the website says they need to be plugged in where they won't be obstructed and all the outlets are behind furniture or partially behind furniture. I have too much stuff...and I keep holding on to things for reasons and I'm sitting down now and I just using up as much stuff as I can and to make collages. Part of me is like-- but ! but! however I know where to get more stuff and just holding on to it doesn't do me any good.

Also took a really long bath...the hot soak was just what I needed but then I got too hot. So I adjusted the water so it was more lukewarm and just hung out in my relaxing bath. I'm thinking of stopping by Marshall's on the way home to see if they have a bath tray thing so I can prop my phone up on something. I did the whole self care kind of soaking bath-- had a drink (diet coke not wine) and chocolates and just relaxed. Did a body scrub and a face mask. I may make this a thing when I have 2 days off in a row.

Around July 6th is a retro gaming convention here and I requested the day off and got tickets for me and M. We haven't really done anything fun like that in awhile.

We are grilling burgers ...well M is grilling burgers. I made potato salad and we will eat and I think watch Bob's Burgers.

We wanted to go fishing today Dad brought up some rods (including my original fishing rod from when I was a little kid before I could use a spinning rod) and we wanted to try it all out but it was raining today and tomorrow because of my appointment we can't but we will try again.

Calli - May 27, 2024 3:38:00 pm PDT #762 of 2731
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs

That wedding sounds amazing, Steph!

I hope your travels back up north go well, Laura.

Yesterday I got a lot of stuff done, so I balanced that out today with a lot of goofing off. I took a bike ride in the lovely post-storm cool of the morning, hung out with some friends to watch a couple of Doctor Who episodes, and now I’m watching a bunch of videos from the Chelsea Flower show. There’s a lot going on with balcony gardens this year, which I could potentially apply.